Valentine's Day (Beetho)

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I got this one from a prompt generator! Beetho is one of my favorite ships, so I was really excited to get started on this one!

Also, apologies if character personalities are a bit off for this one, I don't watch Beef's videos.

There is slight Scarian and one sided Gritho in this, but that isn't the main premise of this shot.

Warnings: Nothing too bad, just a bunch of angst. Dw, it gets fluffy at the end!

Word count: About 1200 words

"Beef, I need advice."

Beef looked up at Etho, who had a nervous expression on his face.

"Go ahead."

"There's...someone I like. I want to tell them how I feel about them, since it's Valentine's Day and all, but...I don't know how to do it." Etho explained, fidgeting with his fingers.

Beef bit his lip, and he couldn't help the feeling of jealousy fill his heart.

But why? It's not like he and Etho were together or anything. Then why did Beef feel this heartache?

Beef suppressed his jealousy. "Well, you should tell them how you feel about them! Best thing to do is to come out straight."

Etho's eyes flickered, a spark of encouragement in his eyes.

"Thank you, Beef!"

Etho suddenly wrapped his arms around Beef in a tight hug, his warmth spreading throughout Beef's body.

Beef hesitantly put his hands down on Etho, unsure of what to do.

Etho pulled apart, and it was clear even under his mask that he was smiling.

Etho waved goodbye and walked away, firing a rocket and bursting into the air, leaving Beef alone. Beef let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping down.

"Whatever." Beef mumbled to himself. "It's not like I had a chance with him anyways."

Etho felt confident with the advice given to him from Beef. Just tell him how you feel! Nothing could go wrong with that, can it?

Etho searched around the server to find him. To find the person that made him feel happy by just sticking around. The person who smiled like the sun.

To find the short little gremlin, Grian.

Etho spotted Grian at Scar's base, sitting on a large pile of shulker boxes.

Everything about him seemed so...radiant.

The sun shone down on Grian, his hair looking golden in the sunlight. His red sweater had a strange bit of charm to it, and his smile was indescribable.

How do you put words to describe something that seems physically impossible to exist?

And Grian's laugh...oh, Etho adored his laugh. It was like pure sunshine, filling his empty heart. Etho desperately wanted Grian to laugh at Etho's jokes, as he got lost in those misty gray eyes.

Then...another voice spoke.

"Grian, what are you doing? Come on and help me!"

Scar walked into view, laughing at Grian. Grian grinned and stuck a tongue out at Scar.

Scar rolled his eyes in a playful matter as he climbed the shulker boxes to get next to Grian.

"You're so cute, you know that?" Scar laughed, brushing a bit of Grian's hair behind his ear.

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