Tagged :0

439 13 22

I've been tagged??!


Okay, so first of all, I've been tagged by Slothinati99 so go drop her a follow!

Second, thank you all so so so much for 400 views! I'm so happy I have no idea why people seem to like my crappy writing but okay!

Main Fandom?
Hermitcraft or Sanders Sides! (I'm sorry Broadway musicals there's just too many of you)

Favorite Character?
I love Etho's character, as well as Janus (from Sanders Sides)

Favorite OC?
I've never shown them before, but their name is Akemi! They're non-binary and bisexual and have a lovely girlfriend and I love them very much :D

5 Facts About Yourself:
1. I'm Asian! (So any Asian haters better back off)
2. I've been watching Minecraft videos for nearly eight years now
3. I love veggie chips (hence my name don't judge me✨)
4. Half of my writing is done at 1AM, the other half is during school lol
5. I've dyed my hair four different colors in the past!

Tag 2 People:
Obviously if you don't wanna do it, don't feel pressured!

Have a nice day!


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