Beautiful (Jleo)

828 33 155

Despite how awesome this ship is, I don't see it very often.

I love these two, so here's a one shot I wrote during school!'s poetry in this...I'm super bad at poetry so I'm very sorry if it offends anyone with how bad it is...

Anyways, please be aware of the bad poetry!

Warnings: There are kArEnS in here wHo CaN't ApPrEcIaTe OuR zOmBiE gIrL-

Word count: About 1600

Cleo remembered what it was like to be a human.

She could walk in the streets without people glaring at her, she was warm instead of freezing cold, she could be acknowledged as an actual living being...

But things are different now.

Cleo had been bitten by a zombie, and although she is completely healthy except for just looking the part of one, no one treats her the same way anymore.

"Howdy, Cleo!"

Cleo smiled to herself. Well, at least all except one.

Cleo turned around and grinned. "Hey, Joe! What's up?"

"I am feeling quite exhilarated after finalizing my poetry!" Joe nodded. "And how are you doing on this fine day?"

Joe was a poet. Or, as Cleo liked to put it, a conductor of an orchestra of words.

His pen was his baton, his words his instruments.

He always knows what to say.

"Nothing much." Cleo replied. "Can I read the poem?"

Joe's happy expression faltered. He said shyly, "I do not mean to come off as rude, but I would appreciate if you'd wait a little bit before I show my writing to you."

He looked away, looking a tad bit embarrassed. "You do not mind, do you Cleo?"

"Heck no." Cleo shook her head. "Anyways, let's go grab a coffee or something."

As the two walked in the streets, Joe talked nonstop about all sorts of topics that Cleo could honestly care less for. But when Joe talked about them, strangely enough, she was intrigued.

Joe always talked so elegantly, his sentences so fruitful. That was special about him, and Cleo thought it was cute.

Cleo felt someone glaring at her.

She turned her head and saw a mother with a child scowling at Cleo, pushing her kid away.

Cleo felt herself sink into her coat, trying to cover up the dips in her body, the stitches and green skin.

Joe seemed to notice this.

"Hey. Ignore those people." Joe said softly. "They don't know how great of a person you really are, Cleo.

Cleo smiled, but her heart wasn't in it. "Tch, yeah."

Joe bit his lip and hesitantly intertwined his fingers with Cleo's.

Cleo didn't like physical contact with other people. She hated hugs or handshakes, and Joe knew this more than anyone.

And yet...when she held hands with him, it felt safe. Warm.

When Cleo didn't say anything, Joe started to loosen his grip on her fingers, pulling away, but Cleo tightened her grip.

The two continued walking, not saying a word.

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