Bittersweet (Beetho, Part 1)

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Heyyyyyy it's me again with more beetho because I have an addiction with this ship!

Also I was being stupid the other day and got myself a mild concussion, so I got to spend the entire day in bed watching Hermitcraft since my head hurt really badly and I had trouble remembering short term stuff.

But I'm better now so BEETHO!

While in bed, I came up with an AU idea so here's that! (If anyone else wants to use this AU, feel free!)

AU Idea: When you die, you are allowed to have five minutes with one person of your choice before going to the afterlife. After you are done, however, the living person will forget of the interaction while the deceased will still remember it in the afterlife.

Trigger Warnings: Blood and truck go smash into Beef :)
Word count: About 1200
(Also the Reaper may or may not be based after me)

-POV: Beef-
It was a terrible accident. Beef never wanted this day to come, and even though he knew it would eventually happen, he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

How did a day so incredible end so horribly?

Beef had just confessed his love to Etho the previous night, which to his surprise, had been mutual.

The two spent the night together in Etho's apartment, cuddling and enjoying each other's presence.

Beef left early in the morning to get to the butcher shop where he worked early hours.

He left a note for Etho.

"Hi! I left to go to work, but I'll be back before you know it! I love you! -Your Beefers"

I'll be back soon.

Empty promises. Stupid, fake promises.

Beef lied.

He lied to Etho.

He didn't come back.

He didn't get the chance.

Beef had walked back home at 3 PM, excited to see Etho again once he got back to the apartment.

He had bought a cookie from the neighboring store just for Etho.


Etho's favorite.

But something happened.

As he walked across the street, a truck came by.

It hit him.

And before Beef knew what was happening...

He was dead.

He opened his eyes and saw the scene.

Beef looked at his arms.

They were translucent, as were the rest of his body.

He floated, hovering in the air.

Beef saw himself; his own body, laying dead on the streets.

Blood sprayed everywhere, pouring out into the streets, staining the floor.

It was disgusting.

Police cars and ambulances were there, but it was too late.

People were screaming, children were crying...

"Are you ready?"

Beef turned around and saw a person.

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