Dancing Under Moonlight (Tangaph)

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I'm so soft for these two idiots-

Honestly, I love the dynamic of them sharing one brain cell because it's practically true.

Also, sorry for not writing for a while! Things have been really bad in my home lately (a lot of screaming and fighting) and I've been pretty demotivated, but we're all good for now!

Word Count: About 1200

Tango stood in the corner of the room, uncomfortably swaying from foot to foot.

It was his senior year of high school, and today happened to be prom night.

He didn't have a date. He still came, before realizing that no one wanted to hang out with the guy who came without a partner.

Tango wore a red two piece suit with a black tie, which he was tugging on nervously the entire night so far.

The large room was decorated with confetti and balloons, loud chatter filling the room as everyone mingled with one another.

Tango's eyes landed on a certain someone.

Tango stared at Zedaph across the room. Everything about him was just so...beautiful.

The way Zedaph danced like no one was watching, careless and free, his blonde hair bobbing up and down to the beat of the song.

Tango sighed. God, he was so lovestruck for this idiot.

"Are you going to keep drooling over Zed, or are you actually going to ask him to dance?"

Tango jumped backwards to see Impulse standing behind him, grinning.

Tango felt blush spread across his cheeks as he punched Impulse in the arm.

"Dude! Shut up!" Tango yelped.

Impulse laughed. "I'm just saying! You've been head over heels for him since third grade. It's not literally senior year of high school and you haven't asked him out yet. Just dance with him!"

Tango bit his lip and stared at Zedaph. His violet eyes seemed to glow and his smile...Tango couldn't even describe how he felt when Zed smiled.

Tango shook his head furiously. "No. No, no, I don't even know how to dance." he protested to Impulse.

Impulse pinched the bridge of his nose with frustration. "Dude, I swear, you are going to regret not doing this. Look, he's already dancing with someone else now!"

Wait. What?!

Tango whipped around and saw Grian offering a hand to Zedaph, who giggled and accepted, just as a slow song came on.

Tango licked his lips, a sudden jealousy boiling inside of him.

He watched carefully as the two danced, feet synchronized. Zedaph held onto Grian's shoulder while Grian held his waist.

Tango gritted his teeth as Zedaph's mouth moved, talking to Grian.

"Regret it now?" Impulse smirked.

Tango rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up."

Impulse put a hand on Tango's shoulder and said, "Hey, it isn't too late to cut in and ask Zedaph to dance."

"Are you kidding? I can't just interrupt them like that!" Tango exclaimed.

Impulse shrugged, "Last chance."

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