Defensive (Scarsuma)

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I am absolutely in love with this ship, so of course I had to do one! It was actually Rae who originally got me hooked onto this ship, so props to her for that!

Warnings: Nothing too bad, though there is physical and verbal bullying (so there is minor blood) and some cursing, so beware!

Also, sorry I'm so bad at coming up with titles haha

Word count: About 1300 words

Xisuma sat at his desk, sighing. His hand was propped up on the table so that he could rest his head as he fiddled with his pencil with his other hand.

The other students were running around the room, as the teacher had just stepped out for a minute or two.

Xisuma was always described as a goody two shoes by his brother and friends, and it was true. Even through the chaos of the classroom, Xisuma sat at his desk, trying to read like a responsible kid.

Then, he walked in.

Xisuma heard the door open, and a new boy walked in. His eyes were of emeralds, shining brightly. His hair was brown, some of it sticking out at certain areas as if he didn't brush it in the morning. He had a scar across his nose and another from his chin tracing down his neck.

Xisuma's purple eyes drifted at the boy, and he had to do a double take. His hand slipped from under his chin in surprise, and Xisuma almost banged his head on the table had he not caught himself.

He stared at this new boy as he sat down next to him. Xisuma noticed that this boy walked with a leg brace, two metal crutches in each of his hand and a mechanical strap around his knees and legs.

Some other kids stared at the green-eyed boy, some whispering in confusion. "Who is he?" some whispered. "What the heck is wrong with his legs?"

Xisuma felt himself glowering at his peers. The teacher finally returned, clapping their hands together in an attempt to control the class.

"Alright, everyone! We have a new student in our class!" Mx. River said, gesturing to the new boy. They smiled, "Scar, would you like to introduce yourself?"

The new boy (Scar) shook his head, his cheeks turning red as the class stared at him.

Mx. River nodded, "That's alright. Well, everyone, please open your green packet to page seventeen! Xisuma, will you mind grabbing a packet for Scar?"

Xisuma got up and ran over to a cabinet, picking out one of the packets for Scar. Once he acquired it, he walked back over to Scar, handing it to him.

"Here," Xisuma said softly.

Scar took it hesitantly, giving Xisuma an unreadable look.

Xisuma blushed a little as he rushed back into his seat, pressing his hand against his forehead. Every now and again, he would steal a glance at Scar, trying to read him.

Xisuma caught his twin brother's eyes from across the room, who grinned, mouthing, "Simp."

Xisuma face flared up, and he buried his cheeks in his jacket, laying his head on his desk in embarrassment.

Soon, the bell rang, and school was over. Xisuma closed his textbooks, shoving his books into his bag, which was barely large enough to fit all the things he was required for school.

Ex walked over to Xisuma, an arm draped around his boyfriend, Hels' shoulders.

"Hey, X," Ex smirked. "You were totally loosing your mind over that new guy!"

Xisuma's face filled up with color as he squeaked out, "Wh-what?! No way! I-I don't know what your talking about! I don't-"

Hels rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just deny it. Y'know denial never worked for anyone."

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