Ordinary (Kersuma, Part 2)

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Ahhhhh okay so, the previous shot was "Little Miss Perfect" and there's a sequel song to it called "Ordinary" so that's what I did!

I was really excited to do this one!! The song is by Joriah Kwamé and sung by Allie Grace!

Warnings: um, I don't think there's anything. Flangst maybe??

Word count: About 1100

Keralis noticed how Xisuma looked at him. He tried pretending he didn't see it, though.

Besides, it's just be easier if he let the tension between the two of them subside.

Things had been awfully awkward between the two of them ever since the night at Keralis' house.

Keralis saw it in the books that he read, the strange magic that you cannot see.

And there were no limitations to it, either. The characters wore it with pride, unafraid of what the world would think.

But the characters Keralis read about never looked or acted like him, so he couldn't depend on them to lead him through the right door.

Sure, Keralis could be who he wanted in front of Xisuma, but what was the point in falling in love if Keralis knew that he was only stalling for when he had to go back home, to hide who he is?

Keralis wasn't just the peppy and loving person he seemed to be.

Who he truly was, was an insignificant person, just one in a herd of others. Scared, alone, self-conscious, anxious, all those words fit Keralis' true identity.

Always second-guessing, tripping over his own words.

Trying so hard to go with the grain, keeping the quirks and weirdness of himself in his head.

Keralis is afraid people will find who he really is, that he's on the brink of discovery.

...but what if he's dreaming?

At least, that's what it seems like.

This guy, Xisuma, he thinks he's apart of Keralis' world, and...that new territory is scary.

If Keralis turned the handle, opened the door, discover what lays on the other side, is he asking for a scandal?

...should he still try being ordinary?

"Baaahhhh!" Keralis groaned, banging his head on the table.

"You good, Keralis?" Bdubs asked, cocking his head as Keralis moped around.

Keralis shook his head, burying his face in his hands.

That kiss ruined everything. Things hadn't been the same between Keralis and Xisuma since then.

Keralis didn't call Xisuma "Shashwammy" anymore, or tackle him in hugs when he saw him.

It was a thick, awkward tension between the two of them. Uncomfortable conversations and weak smiles that made Keralis' stomach hurt.

"I just- Bubbles, you know I was always a little bit...odd." Keralis sighed, looking up at his friend. "Different from the others, right?"

Bdubs nodded slowly, unsure where this conversation was going.

"Like...the only pea inside of the pod!" Keralis continued. He thought for a moment before speaking again. "Wait- that's not the expression! Oh well..."

Keralis let out a pitiful little giggle, before crying out, "Agh! See? That's exactly what I mean! I'm just so-...awkward!"

Keralis turned bright red and lowered his voice. "And...Shashwammy makes me nervous. I hope he can't tell."

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