Carry Me Home (Bdoc)

921 40 53

I wanted to write some bdoc so here you go!
People seem to really love this ship so I'm going contribute to the addiction by providing the food :)

I've been busy lately so sorry for the lack of updates!

Word count: 934 words (oh noes i broke my record for writing 1000+ words D:)

Doc sighed as he stared out the window.

He was currently five minutes away from the end of his shift, working at a coffee shop.

He was a little jealous of his friends; Beef, Etho, and Bdubs were all going out to this party hosted by some blonde dude that Doc couldn't recall the name of, but Doc stayed behind and worked.

He had to.

For college.

It sounded really clique, right? The whole "scraping together enough money for college" thing.

But Doc genuinely wanted to get into a good university, so he worked harder than anyone else.

Doc balanced so many jobs and studied just as hard at school, but others thought that he was a buzzkill.

All the working made Doc rather stern and sarcastic that most people didn't really like him, other than his three childhood friends.

Etho had always been one of Doc's closest friend because he was the one he managed to make Doc more leant towards goofing off.

Beef matched Doc's appreciation for the small things in life, and always seemed to have an understatement of Doc's logical and critical thinking.

And then...there was Bdubs.

He was sweet and mischievous, and was short height-wise and in temper.

His tanned freckled skin and dark fluffy hair and just everything about him...Doc adored.

Doc figured out his crush on Bdubs only a couple months ago.

The butterflies in his stomach, the flustered face, the was quite obvious.

It made things very difficult, but Doc tried to shoo those feelings away. Besides, he didn't have time for relationships. He had things to do.

Doc checked the clock above the table in the back. Closing time! Finally!

Doc started cleaning up the shop, wiping down the counters and putting the chairs up on the tables.

Just then, he heard someone walk in with the "ding!" of the door.

"I'm sorry, we're actually closing-" Doc started, when he turned around and saw who it was.

"Bdubs? Are you okay?"

Bdubs stood by the door, his eyes puffy and red, tears streaming down his face.

He sniffles, wiping his nose, "Y-yeah...I just-...can we sit down?"

Doc nodded pulling down a chair for both of them.

Bdubs leaned down on the table and quietly explained, his voice shaking, "I-I wanted to go out w-with this guy at the party...y'know, Scar? A-and I walked over to him, b-but...he was with a person. Grian, the guy who hosted the party."

Bdubs stopped, grabbing a napkin and wiping his eyes. He shook his head, "It was so dumb. I don't even know what happened...I-I just ran. Beef and Etho tried to stop me, but...I don't know. I came here, it was the only place I thought of..."

Bdubs started to cry again, covering his face with his hands, sobbing quietly.

Doc felt anger inside of him.

Not jealousy that Bdubs liked someone else as someone would expect.

Doc felt anger at this "Scar" person.

How dare Scar not appreciate Bdubs?!

How dare Scar not give him a chance?

To disregard Bdubs feelings?

What was wrong with him?!

Doc straightened his lips into a thin line.

He said, "Look, he clearly wasn't worth it if he couldn't see how great of a person you really are, Bdubs."

Bdubs looked up, looking unconvinced. "R-really?"


There was a comforting silence between the two of them.

Then, Bdubs did something that Doc was not prepared for.

Bdubs stood up and gave Doc a hug.

Doc was sure his face must be absolutely flustered, but he didn't care.

His heart was pounding as Bdubs pulled back.

Bdubs whispered, "Thank you, Doc."

Doc nodded slowly, unable to speak. He snapped out of it. "Um, do you wanna ride the train home with me? I usually take the train home anyways, so..."

"Yeah, that'd be great." Bdubs nodded back.

The two got up and left the coffee shop, walking to the train station, hands swaying back against each other.

Doc breathed heavily when he felt Bdubs take his hand. Bdubs didn't meet Doc's gaze.

He didn't speak, but the action said a thousand words and more.

They made it to the train and caught a ride, sitting down.

It was pretty late at night, so not many people were on the train.

It was kind of peaceful.

Doc felt Bdubs lean on his shoulder, his breathing slowed and tired.

Doc hesitantly put his arms around Bdubs' shoulder, the warmth of the smaller one comforting.

Bdubs rested his head against Doc's chest, and Doc felt his heart practically explode.

Doc looked down at Bdubs and found that he had fallen asleep right on him.

Doc felt a smile tug at his lips and he leaned his head on Bdubs'.

Oh, what the heck?

Bdubs' small body curled up into Doc's, nearly sitting on Doc's lap.

Doc wasn't sure what drew him to do what he did next, but the next thing that happened was Doc pressing his lips to Bdubs' head.

In a panic, Doc snapped his head back away, his face absolutely flustered.

Luckily, it seemed that Bdubs wasn't woken up by this action, only shuffling a little in his sleep.

Doc relaxed and unconsciously played with Bdubs' soft brown hair.

Maybe he was a little bit in love with his best friend.

Maybe he was too afraid to say anything.

Maybe he never would admit his feelings.

But nothing else mattered except for the little bit of happiness that Doc was holding in his lap.

I wanted to change up my writing habit of making every shot end in some sappy kiss scene or confession whatever.

I was quite more satisfied with this ending because it felt a bit more realistic but no guarantees that I'll keep writing this way lol

See you soon, and also check out my new fanfiction, "Hunted"!


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