Camellias (Stresskall, Part 1)

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Hey guys! So my HIATUS wasn't as long as I expected it to be, but that means more oneshots! 

How is everyone doing?

Anyways, I pretty much finished up with all the life stuff I had going on, and finally got around to writing again! 

I somehow found myself a bottle of motivation, and managed to write an arranged marriage fic for one of my personal favorite ships, stresskall.

Please forgive me more my short disappearance, and here is Camellias!

Word count: About 1800 words
Warnings: None


Life of a princess wasn't as easy as it seemed to be.

Stress didn't think it was that hard when she was a child.

When she was young, she was content with the silk, rich dresses made just for her, the private teachers that payed attention to just her, and how her parents called her princess not because it was a cute nickname for a child, but because it was true.

However, now that Stress had grown up and was aware of the situations that her kingdoms faces, life began to spiral into anxiety and pressure.

Stress had to learn how to be a princess.

Her training began when she was young, but that was the easy training; walking with her chin high, having table manners and being polite.

Her training now, as a young adult, was to learn about politics, sit through long meetings with other kingdoms, and to learn how to be a leader.

Stress did not enjoy it, to say the least.

However, the thing that Stress was devastated to discover, was that she wasn't able to marry for love.

She was but a political bargaining tool for her parents.

Being an only daughter, much relied on the princess and her family.

She was gorgeous and kindhearted, and all the boys seemed to fall for her charms.

This meant that her parents would be able to find her the wealthiest, strongest, and most politically significant prince to marry.

Stress wanted nothing of the sorts.

Why, why was it that she was not able to marry one for who she loved?

Of course, she never met a boy who she loved, so maybe she didn't know.

But it wasn't her fault.

She never had the opportunity to fall in love, anyways.

Stress let out a sigh. Perhaps her life was even harder than those of average citizens.

She would give anything to live a normal life.

"Your Grace? A prince from the kingdom of Evo is going to be coming in a few months, and your parents would like to have you fitted for a gown."

Stress heard her servant's voice through her bedroom door.

Stress sighed and stood up from her fluffy bed.

Alas, another prince was going to come and try to woe her, to marry her because her kingdom was powerful and she was wealthy.

Stress wasn't paying much attention during the fitting. All that she knew was that she was getting a pink, satin dress to impress a prince she knew not even the name of.

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