Do You Love Me? (Hex)

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Warnings: nothing! unless you count a yelling angwy xisuma 👀

This is hurt/comfort because I love this ship and I'm loyal to my cult.

Word Count: About 1100

Hels gripped his sword, staring down his opponent. Which was an armor stand that bore Wels' armor, but it was an opponent nonetheless.

Suddenly, Ex burst into the Nether Fortress, tears in his eyes. Hels jumped backwards in surprise.

"Wha- Ex, what happened-?" Hels asked, sheathing his sword.

Ex shook his head, stumbling past Hels, shoving him to the side. He ran into his room, slamming the door.

Hels glanced at a piglin who was guarding the front door. The pig soldier gave a confused grunt, mimicking the movement of a shrug, one of the many gestures they had picked up from Ex and Hels.

Hels sighed, removing his helmet. He shook out his dark, brown hair before walking over to Ex's door.

Hels hesitantly knocked on the door. "Ex?" he called, his voice gentler than usual. "Don't ignore me. I know you're in there, dummy."

"Shut up and go away." Ex barked through the door, his voice muffled and shaky.

Hels instructed, "Open the door or I'm breaking it down."


Then, with a click of a lock, and Ex opened the door.

He looked very much disheveled. His eyes were red and puffy, full of tears, his silvery hair was messed up, and his cheeks were flushed.

Ex looked away, sitting down on his bed. He gripped his helmet, nails grasping at the sides.

Hels sat down next to him and asked, "What happened?"

Ex started to cry, tears rolling down his cheeks. He hugged his knees, crying uncontrollably.

Hels felt uncomfortable. Emotions weren't exactly his strong suit. Sure, Ex was fine with them, but Hels wasn't a very touchy person.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Ex, to wrap his arms around him, to say it's okay, to kiss his forehead- Hels shook his head. This isn't about you.

Ex shakily explained, "I-I had a fight w-with Xisuma..."

"What the heck?" Xisuma whispered. He looked up at Ex, and his voice grew louder, into an enraged shout. "What the heck?!"

"X, it was a joke, calm down, idiot." Ex rolled his eyes.

Xisuma yelled, "It was a joke?! You just destroyed my helmet! My armor! Dad's armor...y-you ruined that last thing we had of him! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

Ex's expression grew a little bit afraid. He stammered, "I-I didn't think-"

"Yeah, you never do!" Xisuma spat, his voice poison, angry tears in his eyes. "You're so full of yourself, that's all you ever think about! This was the only thing I had! I hate you! You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me! Dad liked me better than you! Now you know why!" Xisuma jerked a finger at Ex's chest.

Ex stumbled backwards, whispering, "X...I-I'm sorry-..."

"NO!" Xisuma shrieked. "Don't even try to apologize! You don't deserve forgiveness! You've done so much harm to the server, to our family, to my life! I've tried so hard to keep you in line, but you just don't listen! I'm done with you! I hate you so much! Get out of my life!"

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