Camellias (Stresskall, Part 2)

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Finally it's done! Ending is so-so but this was a fun oneshot!


Warnings: nothing much, though there is implied yelling

Word count: about 2,200

Stress looked back and forth between Iskall and the palace where she had been called to.

She whispered, "Iskall...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to-"

"Princess Stress! Hurry along now!"

Iskall turned away from Stress, not meeting her desperate gaze. He said softly, "It's okay. Go on, then. can go."

Stress' gentle brown eyes looked pleadingly at Iskall. She took his hand and whispered, "Iskall, I'm sorry, I promise I'll do something. I figure out a way for us to be together."

"It's not possible." Iskall shook his head. "I shouldn't've-"

Stress wanted to say something. She didn't want it to go this way. It was her fault for everything. She did this. She hurt Iskall.

But the distant gaze in Iskall's eyes and the servants calling her to the palace grew overwhelming, and Stress felt so, so powerless.

She gave Iskall a look of hopelessness before dashing to the castle, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes without smudging the makeup her maids had worked long on.

Stress stepped into the palace and was escorted by a servant to the front of the castle.

There, a stunning young man in rich clothing stood.

He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, his smile radiating sunlight. He wore a white, button down tunic and a red sash, along with a golden crown on top of his head.

Freckles dotted across his cheeks, his skin soft and glowing. There was no doubt in this man's beauty. But he was Iskall.

He wasn't Stress's love.

Another man stood next to the young prince, most likely his advisor.

The advisor was tall and lean, black hair and a mustache, as well as wearing a rich, two piece suit.

He cleared his throat. "Ah, Your Highness. This is Prince Grian of Evo. I am his advisor, Mumbo."

Grian looked at Stress and smiled a smile that It was almost a smile of sorrow. "It is quite a pleasure to be able to meet you. Your beauty does live up to what they say of you."

"Thank you. The pleasure is mine." Stress replied, curtsying, though her heart wasn't in it.

"Ah! You two have met!" Stress' father walked in, followed by her mother as well. "How about the two of you take a stroll in the garden?"

Stress frantically glanced at her parents, "Erm, perhaps the garden isn't the-"

"That would be wonderful, thank you." Grian nodded.

He took Stress by the arm, and they walked outside.

As they walked through the halls, Stress whispered, "Hey, I need to-"

She was abruptly cut off when Grian held his hand over her mouth, pulling her behind a wall.

Stress watched as Grian stuck his head around the wall, trying to see...something.

He removed his hand and whispered, "Phew, all clear. Okay, listen to me Stress. I think we both agree this is messed up."

Stress blinked. "Er, what is, Prince-"

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