Until Death Do We Part (Solimajor)

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Technically Scott and Jimmy aren't Hermits, BUT that doesn't matter so just bear with me because I love their relationship in 3rd life.

Idk what Scott and Jimmy's ship name is, so if anyone knows what it is please tell me! ^^

Anyways, enjoy this oneshot!
(Also happy Independence Day to other American friends!)

Word count: About 1200

Jimmy's POV:

Jimmy walked through the forestry, a smile on his face.

He waved at Grian and Scar who sat across in the desert, setting up some sort of machine, and they waved back.

Jimmy couldn't wait to get home to his husband.

He was supposed to come back in a week from his trip, but Jimmy managed to get off from work so that he could surprise Scott by his early return.

Jimmy's face warmed even at the thought of his beautiful husband. Scott's melodious laughter filled his head, and Jimmy fiddled with his wedding ring.

Jimmy spotted his cottage home, smiling at the bursting colors of flowers and the trickling of the river and waterwheel.

He walked along the path, inhaling the sweet smell of home.

"Scott!" Jimmy called, beaming. "Scott, I'm home! Where are you, love?"

He walked to the entrance of the house, looking around for his husband.

Jimmy entered the cottage, stepping inside.

"Scott? You there?"

Where could his husband have gone?

Scott's POV:

To say that Scott wasn't doing well was quite the understatement.

See, there was something about Scott that no one knew about, not even his beloved husband.

And that was that Scott had a curse.

Back when Scott was on a different server, he was infected with a curse from an enemy sorcerer.

That curse made it so that Scott would turn into a monstrous dragon at the end of every month.

Scott had searched far and wide for spells to undo his curse, but no magic could ever fix him.

That was until his came into 3rd Life.

Scar had magical abilities, and every month, he gave Scott an elixir that helped draw back the curse.

Except this month, there was none left.

Scar had left the server in search for ingredients, leaving Scott alone and turning into the beast.

Thank god, Jimmy was on a trip.

Scott curled up on his bed, the cold, absence of his lover noticeable and painful.

Scott clenched his jaw, clutching his legs close in on his chest as if it would stop the pain.

Then, it started happening.

His fingers grew purple at the tips, sharpening into claws.

Scales began growing all over Scott's face, arms, legs, and torso, as well as a tail out of his back.

Scott squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the horns and wings painfully burst from his body.

He shakily opened his eyes, staggering over to a different room where a mirror laid for him to see himself.

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