Flirt (Hex)

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I've gotten back into the writing mood and school decided to lay off my back for a while, so here's a nice long oneshot of our favorite idiots, HEX

This one was suggested by NinjaKitty1928 so thank you for that! I may have strayed a bit from the prompt, but idk

ANYWAYS i just want to say that in this fic, Hels is demiromantic, and I'm sorta in love with this headcanon, so I hope I wrote it okay ^^ (also i apologize in advance if there are any grammatical/spelling errors, i didn't spellcheck this one bc i was so excited to post it)

Warnings: nothing bad, mild cursing

Word count: 1933 words


Hels wasn't the romantic type. It just never appealed to him, really. In all honesty, the idea of it all made Hels want to internally vomit.

Especially when he was witness to Wels and all his previous partners, and all the gross romantic stuff they'd do.

So for a while, Hels just kinda forgot love existed.

Sure, he loved his brother (though he loathed to admit it), he loved his pet strider named Winston, and he loved sword fighting.

But he didn't love, love.

Not in the way he saw others.

And so he just...didn't.

For a while, that is.

It all started when Hels was roaming the Nether in rage after having another petty argument with Wels.

Hels was ranting to his pet strider, Winston about how much he despised Wels, when he heard a low chuckle.

Raising his sword, Hels glared at the direction he heard that smug laugh.

Whoever it was didn't sound like anyone he'd ever heard on the server before, so that definitely peaked his interest.

"Here I thought I was the only one with a big dick of a twin brother."

Hels launched himself in the direction of the voice, growling in anger as Winston squeaked, scrambling off in fear.

He landed on top of whoever it was, sword stabbed into the ground right next to the person's neck.

Hels stared down at the person, fuming and pissed off.

The person wore a red helmet and matching armor, and for a moment Hels feared he had attacked the server's admin, Xisuma, and figured that he had royally screwed up, but he realized that the armor color was different.

"Woah, okay, take me out to dinner first," the person laughed in a flirty tone.

Hels felt blood rushing to his head. "Shut up," he snarled. "Who even are you?"

The person got up, gently pushing Hels off of him and removed his helmet, shaking out his hair.


He was hot.

He had long, silky silver hair that was tied into a small ponytail that hung on his shoulder.

His skin was tanned nicely, scars littered across his face. The man had fiery red eyes and a bit of hair grew on his chin, freckles littered across his face.

Hels stood up too, only to discover in much dismay that he was much shorter than this mystery stranger.

"Like what you see?" the man grinned.

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