Taking Risks (Renskall)

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This shot it actually a request from enby_ofdoom ! I'm not too proud of it, but hopefully it's okay?
It's a hanahaki fic, so there is BLOOD and VOMIT depicted, so if you don't like that stuff, I advise you skip this one!

Word count: 1000 (uh oh I should write more)

Ren seemed like the guy everyone wanted to be. He was witty, attractive, funny, and always knew what to say.

Despite this, Ren still didn't have a partner.

Ren sighed, sitting underneath a tree in the Shopping District, watching the other Hermits mingle with each other.

His eyes landed on Iskall. Oh, Iskall. The Swede who stole his heart.

Their laugh was contagious and they was gorgeous without trying.

Ren watched as Iskall laugh. Then his eyes trailed over to the person standing next to Iskall.


It wasn't like Ren disliked Stress. Quite the contrary, actually. She was a really sweet person and a good friend of his.

But Stress stole Iskall away from Ren.

He watched as Stress spoke to Iskall, making them laugh.

Ren's chest tightened. He wanted to make Iskall laugh.

How cruel could the universe be to make Ren fall for someone who could never love him back?

And, even further, to have that someone love another?

And to have them be so goddamn hot?

Ren shook his head.

Stop being selfish.

Ren equipped his elytra, putting one arm into the strap after another.

He took out a rocket, exploding it underground him.

The hot air of the rocket pushed the wings of the elytra, launching Ren into the air as he glided to his base.

He sat on his bed, sighing. Ren removed his sunglasses as he ran his fingers through his long brown hair.

Something...itched at the back of his throat.

Ren coughed, and three green flower petals flew out of his mouth.

Ren blinked. That's weird. He didn't eat any flowers.



It couldn't be.


Ren pressed his hands to his head. Think, Ren. Who could it be?

The only person in the entire server who likes green flowers is...Iskall.

"I can't." Ren mumbled to himself. "I can't do this. I'd rather die."


Weeks passed by, and Ren had basically accepted his fate.

He didn't have the strength to confess to his love, not if Iskall seemed to have a thing for Stress.

Ren also did not appeal to the idea of giving up his emotions, so that was out of the question.

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