Little Miss Perfect (Kersuma, Part 1)

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Okay, so there's this song called "Little Miss Perfect" by Joriah Kwamé and Taylor Louderman and IT FITS XISUMA AND KERALIS PRETTY WELL SO UH

This is kind of like a song fic, but I didn't write the lyrics in so also not really???

Warnings: Nothing, just a whole bunch of angst

Word Count: About 1300


Xisuma was the star of the school. Actually, no, that's an understatement.

He was the star of the neighborhood.

It was a small town, so small that you would know almost everyone who lived there.

And that's why Xisuma came out on top.

He had straight honey brown hair, straight A's, and was a genuine person. He participated in extra-curricular activities and was head of the student council.

Xisuma didn't go to those late night parties, like his delinquent brother, Ex, who was pretty much the exact opposite of Xisuma.

Even when Xisuma's friends practically dragged him to parties, he didn't ever drink, rather sat in a corner, jamming out to his own playlist with earbuds.

Of course, Xisuma's life wasn't as simple as it seemed on the outside.

He and his brother were adopted at a very young age by a wealthy couple, who spoiled the twins.

Because of this, Xisuma felt pressured to do well. So much pressure was put on his shoulders, to be mature, to be successful, to be everything everyone strives to be.

Xisuma probably would have continued his life like that, if not for that boy who walked by his locker with Xisuma's friends.

He had wide, excited brown eyes and a blue T-shirt. A beautiful smile was across his face, radiantly shining through the hallway.

His hair was soft brunette and he had pale skin. Xisuma felt his face fluster as this boy walked over to him, Xisuma's friends, Bdubs and Doc following behind.

"Xisuma, this is Keralis!" Bdubs grinned. "We met him in second period."

"Hello, Shashwammy!" Keralis beamed, holding out a hand.

Xisuma shook it, blushing, "Erm- my name is Xisuma."

"He has a thing with nicknames," Doc pointed out.

Keralis nodded in agreement. "Yup! And you are Shashwammy!"

Butterflies filled Xisuma's stomach. This was...a strange feeling. New. He never felt this way around anyone, not even girls.

Xisuma never even had a crush in his life, now that he thought about it.

Wait. A crush? Is that what this was? No. It can't be. Not on a guy.

The bell rang, and Keralis walked away to his next class.

Xisuma felt frozen in place. He couldn't move. He was going to be late the class, for the first time in-...goodness, he didn't even know how long it's been.

Xisuma shakily ran to the bathroom. He locked the door, sighing as he ruffled his hair.

Tears pricked at the back of his eyes. Xisuma didn't understand what was happening. And he did not like that feeling.

He wanted to feel in control of his life, able to be in charge of every single aspect in his life.

And this boy...Keralis...he stole that control away from Xisuma.

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