Tagged Again!

492 9 16

Ayo I was tagged by enby_ofdoom so go check them out and follow!

Favorite Hermit(s)
Scar, Impulse

Hermits You Watch
Grian, Scar, Impulse, Ren, Bdubs

Hermits You Wanna Watch
I want to start watching Zedaph or Xisuma bc I love their accents and also all the Hermits are cool :D

Beetho, Hex, Jleo

Favorite Ship To Write (if you write)

Favorite Hermit to Watch from Their POV
Grian probably

Favorite Oneshot You've Written
I liked the Little Miss Perfect and Ordinary shot I wrote :)

Favorite Oneshot You've Read:
"Hymn of the Third Wheel" by sixth_bright_shiner ! It was a really cool concept!

How Long Have You Been Part of the Community
I've been watching since around the beginning of Season 7, but I started writing fan fictions about it towards more of the end.

Favorite Fanfiction
I am in love with the fanfiction "On" by Elle_est_vivant ! The pacing in it are perfect and the way she writes the characters are just beautiful.

Tag Three People
Uhhhhhh idk who to tag help

Ummm whoever wants to do this too, go ahead because I don't know who I should tag 0-0

Also I might go on a bit of HIATUS soon because school and stuff

See you then!

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