Quiet Mornings With You (Platonic Gempulse)

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hi guys! it's been a while!! i felt like writing some platonic fluff, and gempulse is one of my favorite platonic ships!

i headcanon them both as aroace and honestly them as queerplatonic partners is just >>>>

i hope you guys enjoy this one, it's short but it's v fluffy and happy ^^

word count: 495

The best thing about Gemini Tay was that she was an early riser, but a quiet one, for that matter.

Gem woke up just at the crack of dawn and would let Impulse sleep in as long as he'd like, while taking care of chores around the house before he woke.

And when Impulse did eventually wake, Gem would always greet him in such a way that "bad mornings" were an unknown term to him.

Today was a different day, though, and Impulse awoke to Gem still being in bed next to him, her fuzzy blue blanket wrapped around her.

"Good morning," Impulse said softly as Gem's eyelids blinked opened slowly.

She gave a warm, tired smile, her hair messed up and frizzy.

"Hi, Impulse. I'm sorry I didn't wake up early, I was working on a build last night and-"

"Don't worry about it," Impulse reassured her.

"You're the best, Impy." Gem smiled, ruffling Impulse's hair.

"No, you're the best," Impulse wanted to say. And it wasn't an exaggeration, either.

Gem had been the best platonic partner he could ever ask for; she was always there for him and made him feel so special in a world not meant for people like them.

When Impulse had first met Gem, they hit it off instantly and became the closest of friends. It wasn't until Gem came out as aroace to Impulse that he expressed the idea of becoming platonic partners.

Gem, of course, had been ecstatic at the idea, and agreed. From then on, the two had become closer than ever, doing things together that Impulse had feared he would never experience with another individual for fear that the intentions wouldn't seem platonic.

Simple things, really; cuddling, having picnics, staying up late together binge watching movies, all of that seemed reserved for romance.

But Gem showed Impulse that there was room for platonic relationships too, and he was grateful for that.

"Gem," Impulse said in a soft, hushed voice, as if speaking louder to break the peaceful spell cast over the two under the warm blankets. "we should sleep in. Just this once."

"I'd like that."

She raised her arm and let Impulse duck underneath it, resting his head on her. Impulse felt comfort in his partner's arms, a comfort he could never get from any romantic relationship.

Sunlight poured in from the window, the hazy glow of the early morning dawn enchanting the two into a sleepy, happy spell.

Gem giggled, and so did Impulse, because they knew it was silly but they were still happy with everything.

Impulse looked up at Gem with gentle brown eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

"For what, Impulse?"

He laughed breathlessly. "For everything. For the time you've spent with me, for the baking with each other, for the nights you spent comforting me when I couldn't take it anymore."

Gem gave a lopsided grin.

"Of course. And thank you, Impy."

"For what?"

"For these quiet mornings with you."

there you guys go!! i really hope you guys enjoyed that bc i enjoyed writing them :))

until next time!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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