Please Don't Cry (Beetho)

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This one was suggesting to me by Phantom from the other Beetho shot! They suggested a shot where Beef makes Etho cry and I'm happy to oblige for the angst :)

Warnings: there is very *very* mild cursing, but it's only like, one word so I guess nothing really bad

Also I wrote this kind of late at night so uhhhh

Word count: About 1200

-POV: Beef-

Etho was hanging out at Beef's house after nearly dying in the Nether.

Beef had luckily rescued him in time, bringing him back home.

Etho stood up.

Beef frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Back to the Nether."

Beef grabbed Etho's wrist. He hardly made physical contact with Etho, something he knew his friend didn't like, but this was an exception.

"You kidding?" Beef raised an eyebrow. "You are not going back there."

Etho pulled his wrist away, uncomfortable with the sudden touch. He replied, "I am."

Beef stood in front of Etho, blocking him from leaving. "You're not even fully healed yet! What if you get hurt again and no one comes in time?!"

"I'll be fine." Etho lowers his eyes, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Beef's voice grew a little louder. "Etho, stop it."

"Why do you care?" Etho shot back, his voice even.

Beef felt his cheeks burn. "Because I don't want you to die there!"

Etho huffed, "I'm not an idiot, Beef. I can take care of myself. Stop being a pushover."

Tears of anger glazed over Beef's eyes, but he held them back. He said, "You sure are acting like an idiot! And I'm not a pushover, you're just a careless dumbass who can't bother to look out for himself!

I'm always the one looking out for you, making sure you don't kill yourself accidentally! So don't even go there, Etho!"

Etho looked taken a back. He stumbled backwards, shocked.

Beef was shocked by his own words, too. Did I really just say that?

Beef reached out his hand. "...Etho, I didn't-"

"Whatever, Beef." Etho mumbled. "Who cares about this careless dumbass anyways?"

Beef caught tears running down Etho's cheeks as he bolted out the door and into the pouring rain.

The door was left open, footprints of Etho's shoes in the mud.

Beef couldn't believe he did that. He made Etho cry. He. Made. His best friend. Cry.

Beef sat on his bed, tears rolling down his face in regret. He had been sobbing for the past hour.

Beef was supposed to be there for Etho. He was the only person Etho trusted with feelings, and Beef just spat on that honor.

Was it too late to apologize?

Beef stood up, swaying a bit on his feet before he went outside and, using his elytra, flew to the Shopping District, where Etho would probably be at this time of day.

It was still drizzling lightly outside, gray clouds in the sky. The air was dense, but fresh.

Beef spotted Etho stocking up his shop, and walked over to him.

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