Chapter 34

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*Cierra's pov*

Where is Harold. He will love my new change. "HAROLD POTTER!!!!" I screamed in the common room. I heard a loud thump then rusting then a few thuds before I saw my darling husband on the floor in front of me. "Yes Ci?" He's so sweet. "Do you like my new hair?" I smiled sweetly down at him. "That's what you yelled about? I was worried something was wrong." He grumbled getting up. "Something is wrong Harold." I frowned at him showing him my best glare. "You didn't compliment my hair." Harry sighed and got up brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. "It's beautiful Ci, but next time please take a different approach." He grinned. "But this approach is so much more fun than just showing you, I needed something big to build effect." I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the common room.
"Where are we going?" He asked trailing behind. "If you would hurry we are going to the great hall for food." I started speed walking like those old ladies in those big neighborhoods. "Come on, why must you walk like that you know it's hard to keep up with." Harry begged as he tried to keep pace with me. Hehe I must be too fast for him. "This is exercise Harold, keeps you healthy. I believe you need more." I walked even faster. "At this pace I'll be running soon" Harry panted. "The trick is to walk with the longest strides you can. You're taller than me you should be faster." This is so much fun. I love walking really fast, especially when people can't keep up with me. It makes me feel powerful, like I'm the strongest person ever.
"Dracoooooooo!" I yelled as I saw my dearest favorite cousin walking out the great hall with food. "What do you want Cierra?" He is not in the mood, good. "Is that food for me?" I smiled as sweet as I can manage, which isn't that sweet, hoping that he would give it to me. "No, now if you'll excuse me I must be on my way." He started walking away from me. "Oh how proper dear cousin. I didn't want that food anyway." I shrugged and continued on into the great hall. "We're here, finally." Harry panted from behind me. "What would you like to eat?" He asked pulling me to a table. "Hmmmmmmm...... I think I'll have spaghetti and meatballs, just like mama used to make." The food appeared in front of me as I finished saying it. "Why can't the world work like this." I dug into my food in a very ladylike way. "Because not the whole world is magical." Harry explained getting his food and eating it.

*Jessa pov*

I flipped through the pages of a book I had found lying around while I was waiting on Draco to bring me my dinner. "Why is this book really funny?" This was supposed to be a romance, so why was I laughing at everything? "I'm back, what are you reading?" Draco asked as he set down my dinner. "Twilight, it's supposed to be a romance but it's really funny." I grinned setting the book down and getting ready to eat. "How did that book even get in here?" He asked stirring his soup. "I think Mione might have left it in here. Anyway, I'm almost finished with it and I want the second book." I smiled into my chili. "Did you do that to Cierra's hair?" I grinned wickedly. "Of course I did, who else would?" I'm brilliant, I know. "It looks nice you did a good job." He smiled at me. Wow such a nice compliment. "Thank you." Sarcasm came out even after trying to stop it. Draco just smirked and finished his food.
"Draco, hurry and finish your food I'm bored!" Heh I love complaining. "Okay I'm done lets go." Draco hopped up and puled me out of the great hall. "LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE!" I squealed yanking Draco so hard he almost face plants. "Lets find Hermione so I can ask her all types of annoying English teacher questions about this incredible book." 


its been 8 months....I think if I did my math correctly. anywayyyyyy im really sorry  for not updating I have been dealing with having absolutely no inspiration and school and the pandemic i haven't put much thought to writing. I really appreciate everyone who reads the story and votes and im really sorry for not updating. I will try to update more and maybe even write better. 

happy thanksgiving ❤️❤️

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