Chapter 2

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      *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

         A cough caught my attention. "You're in my compartment." A voice said. " I'm sorry..." my voice trailed off as I looked up and saw who was speaking to me. Malfoy. " I'll just leave." I said awkwardly. "No. I think you need this compartment. I'll just find another one." Malfoy said. "No it's not trouble really." I sniffed. "No really it's fine, I'll just find another compartment." He said hastily. "Are you sure the train is almost ready to leave and most of the compartments are full, and with your reputation I don't think you'll have much luck. It would be much easier if I found a place to sit." I said as another tear escaped my eye. " or maybe you can sit here" I suggested. " are you sure-" before he could finish I cut him off. "Yes if I wasn't then I wouldn't have suggested it." He nodded and sat down. I Put my head in my hands, and continued crying. "What's wrong with you?" Draco asked.  I looked at him, confusion written all over my face. "I've changed and I'm just curious, Weasley." Draco said hastily. " Harry dumped me. Because he like someone else." I said sobbing. "Oh" Draco said. I just looked away. Tears still falling down my cheeks. "Anything from the trolly, dears?" The lady asks. "I'm fine." I manage to croak out. " I'll take 2 chocolate frogs." Draco says pulling money out of his pockets. " thank you." "You're really eating 2 of those" I say my voice weak from crying. "No I wanted you to have this one." Draco says Handed me one box. "No, I'm fine really." I say slightly pushing the box away. "Take it, maybe it'll make you feel better." Draco says stubbornly. "Fine." I finally give in. I eat the chocolate frog quickly and look back out the window.

*time skip*

    I got off the train with Draco, trying to not think about Harry. It didn't help that he was right in front of me. "Hey. Are you alright?" Draco asks. " yeah it's just hard." I say with tears in my eyes. "I didn't know how to apologize to you on the train but I wanted to apologize for all the things I said and did." Draco said looking at his feet.
"It's okay. Everyone deserves a second chance." I said looking at him with a smile. "Thanks you don't know how much this means to me!" He said cheerily. I giggled and hugged him before trying to find my best friend, Cierra. Cierra is in the same year as me. She's a pureblood witch, though she doesn't act like it. "Hey Ci!" I called from behind her. She jumped while accidentally pulling her brown and red hair. "You scared me!! But hey!" She said happily.  We hugged and she saw my red puffy eyes. "What happened?!" She gasped. "Harry broke up with me for someone else." I said sadly. "Wait what did you do to your hair I love it!!" She said happily. She started playing with my blonde and blue hair. Yes, my natural color is blonde unlike the rest of my family. I'm the odd one out. " I dyed it. I thought it was time for a change." I said smiling and flipping my hair. With that we laughed, so hard we were clutching out stomachs. " I think we'd better get going, or we'll be late." She said wiping a tear from her eye. I nodded and followed her into the great hall.

     Through the whole sorting I zoned out. Until it was time to go to our dorms.  "Looks like we share a dorm!" Cierra cheered, while jumping up and down. "Wait........" Cierra started confusion etched on her face. "What, what's wrong?" I asked. "Whats 7x3????" Cierra asked. "Really?" I said annoyance obvious in my voice. "Yes! I'm being serious! This is a real life problem!" Cierra shouts. "It's 21, I think. Now let's get to bed." I said, dragging Cierra into the dorm room.

*Time skip*

I was eating toast waiting on Cierra, to awaken from her beauty sleep. "Hey." I turn Draco. "Hey. How are you this morning?" I ask awkwardly. "I'm fine. You?" He looked down at me with his stormy grey eyes that I got lost in. "What?" I mumble. "Uhhh...."He started but was interrupted by a half asleep Cierra, with hair sticking up in random places and dried drool on her chin, wearing a shirt and shorts that she stole from me. "Hey that's my shirt!" Draco said chuckling. "I haven't seen those shorts in years you thief!" I said angrily. "Oops, I guess I took them when you came to my house over the summer. Like 4 years ago..." she trailed off. "THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE SHORTS!!!" I yelled getting up and chasing Cierra all over the great hall. Draco just sat there laughing his butt off at the ravenclaw table. "Excuse me Ms.Weasley and Ms.Malfoy. Please have a seat I have an announcement." Professor McGonagall announced. I sat down with Cierra at the Ravenclaw table. " For 7th years classes are canceled today. Everyone else please go to your classes." Groans were heard throughout the hall, soon followed by shuffling feet. "This is in no way my idea, but the wizarding world is short on wizards and witches, so the ministry has decided to make a marriage law."

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