Chapter 7

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          *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

When I finished eating I decided to go sit on the balcony, to get some fresh air. "Hey." I turned around to see Draco leaning up against the castle wall. "Hey." I said turning back around. "We should start with the wedding planning." Draco suggested. I nodded and looked into the forbidden forest. "Here I wanted to give you this. My father gave it to my mother when they got married, so now I want to give it to you." Draco said while pulling out a really pretty heart locket with emeralds surrounding it. "Draco..... it's.....beautiful." I gasped. "And it's yours." Draco said putting it around my neck. "Thank you!" I jumped into Draco's arms. Draco hesitated for a moment but then wrapped his arms around my petite figure. I blushed into his shoulder. " I'm sorry." I said looking down at my feet embarrassed. "It's quite alright!!" Draco started laughing uncontrollably at my embarrassment. "Hey! It's not funny!" I playfully hit his arm. "It is really funny I've never seen you act like that. It was quite entertaining." Draco said still laughing. I turned away and groaned. I saw an owl flying in the distance towards us. "That looks like Errol." I said squinting my eyes. "It is." I said as the owl crashed into Draco. "Does that bird know how to fly?" Draco scowled picking feathers out of his hair. "Thanks Errol." I said giving him some owl treats.

     We heard about the new marriage law and would like to invite you and you're fiancé over this weekend to have dinner with the family
  Love, Mum'

   "What's wrong?" Draco asked from behind me. "My Mum invites us over this weekend, to meet my family." I said staring at the letter.

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