Chapter 20

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        *Cierra's p.o.v*

Harry and I, left early this morning to go to a muggle chapel in London to elope. "Are you ready?" A worker asked me. I nodded smiling. I walked down the aisle in my ripped jeans and crop top. The only wedding like thing I have are my 9-inch heels, that I can't walk in. Halfway down the aisle I twisted my ankle and fell flat on my face. "Well that hurt." I said getting up. I walked ignoring the pain until I got to Harry. When I got to Harry, I looked up into his emerald eyes. Yes, I looked up, I'm only 5 foot, and with the extra 9 inches I'm still shorter than him. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded looking over at the priest, who really didn't look like he wanted to be here right now.

"Do you Harry Potter, take Cierra Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"Do you, Cierra Malfoy take Harry Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

My heart skipped a beat as Harry kissed me. I pulled away and smiled.

"Please go to the front and fill out the marriage paperwork." The priest said with a bored voice.

*time skip*

  When me and Harry got to the hotel we're staying at, I felt this sharp pain in my ankle. "Ow!" I exclaimed holding my ankle. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "I don't know it must've been those heels." I said shaking my head. Harry picked me up and carried me all the way to our hotel room. "Goodnight harry." I said yawning.

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