Chapter 33

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*Jessa Lynn's pov*

"Jess!!!" Cierra came running at me. "Yes dear." I smiled at her. "I have this brilliant idea." Oh Godric. "I want to dye my hair again!" She messed with her faded red hair. "Ooh do you want me to do it?" I asked hopefully. "No I wouldn't dare trust you with my precious hair." She backed away. "Relax I meant with magic." I rolled my eyes pulling my want out. "Georgie taught me last year when I wanted to dye my hair." "I don't know if I trust you still." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you want me to get dearest Ronald or even better Harold to do it?" I smirked. "You've been around Drakie too much." "He is my husband....sadly." I muttered. "Cierra started laughing. "Fine I'll let you dye my hair." I squealed and pulled her into my room. "What do we want to do today?" I asked grabbing my want and pretending it was a comb. "I would like to get it indigo into red." She said pulling out a magazine. I nodded and got to work. I cast the spell and her hair was finished. "It's all done, take a look." I smiled turning her towards the mirror. "Oh it is just lovely." She smiled and played with her hair. "I'm gonna go scare Harry now." Cierra left quickly just barely missing the wall on her way out. With a sigh I slumped down on the toilet. 'Today has been a long day'  "Darling, I'm hoome!!" Draco sang entering the room. "Why was Cierra running through the common room smiling like she was having evil thoughts?" Draco asked setting down his things. "I just did her hair if you haven't noticed and she is having evil thoughts she's going to scare Harry." I smiled, doing grabby hands for him to pick me up. He rolled his eyes but picked me up and took me to the bed. "Can't you go and get me dinnerrrr?" I begged trying to pull off the best puppy dog eyes I could muster up. "Hmm I'll have to think about that." I huffed as he sat on the bed 'contemplating'. "Pleeeaseeeee" I could bring out the tears if I needed too but I don't think it'll get that far. "Fine what would you like?" He asked staring into my soul. "Mmmmm i don't know surprise me." I smiled up at him and he leaned down gave me a quick peck and ran out of the room.

I'm sorry it's been A really long time since I've updated this story. I'm not great at writing and I got bad writers block when it came to this story. I'm sorry to those who really like the story and who have finished it a long time ago.
I truly appreciate y'all 😃

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