Chapter 29

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*Jessa Lynn's pov*

"Hey Draco." I said, with tears in my eyes. Damn hormones. Draco turned around, when his gaze meets mine he instantly panics. "What's wrong, is the baby okay? Are you okay?" He asks, grabbing my arms.

"I got a paper cut!" I sobbed and pulled Draco in for a hug. Draco rubbed comforting circles into my back. "That's nothing to be upset about." Draco said comfortingly. I clutched his shirt.

Draco chuckled. "It's not funny!" I scream at him. "Okay baby lets take you to the bathroom to get that paper cut cleaned up." Draco said picking me up bridal style.

   *Draco's pov*

   I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bathroom. "Give me your hand baby." I said, gently taking her hand and putting it under the faucet. She winced, but calmed down.
"Better?" I asked, smiling at her. She nodded, and hugged me. I quickly pressed her against me. I smiled when I could feel the little bump forming where the baby was.

"Jess." I said pulling away, I could feel the tears in my eyes. "What's wrong Draco?" She asked as she wiped away a tear that was making its way down my cheek. "I can feel the baby." I said smiling as I reached down and put my hands on her small baby bump.

  "I can too." She said placing her hands on mine. We were leaning in for a kiss when we heard the door slam open.

Harry and Cierra were walking in with wide grins in their faces. "delivery!" Cierra screamed jumping around.
I shook my head at her odd behaviors.

   "What do you mean?" Jess asked getting off the counter where she was perched. "In 9 months there will be a delivery!" Cierra squealed with delight. Harry came up behind her and rested his hands in her flat stomach.

  Jessa's eyes widen in surprise before she squealed and tackled Cierra to the ground.  "Okay, I'm really confused." I said, raising my eyebrows. "I is pragenat!" Cierra squealed like rat.

  "How?!" I asked, not rhetorically.  "Well, when a mommy loves a daddy-" Cierra started before I cut her off.

   "The was a rhetorical question, and I know how babies are made." I said, shaking my head.

    "I'm hungry." Cierra whined. "Then let's get some food Jess said and grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the kitchen.

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