Chapter 27

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         *Cierra's  pov*

      I was sitting in the sink, with my headphones on prancing around to Surfin' by Stray Kids. It had recently become my favorite thing in the world, other than Harry of course.

"What is going on in here??!!!" I jumped when I heard the door slam open. "Why did you slam the door?" I ask looking at the wall with a fresh dent. "Because I walked in a few times and you didn't hear me." Harry said looking at me in disbelief. "Oh sorry, I've recently become obsessed with this new band wanna hear it?" I ask, looking at him with glee filled eyes, smiling like an idiot.

      "Oooh this is really good, what are they called?." Harry looked once again with amazement. "OH I KNOW! They're one of the best bands of all time argue with the wall." I squeal, very proud of myself for introducing another human to the incredible world that is Kpop.. 

I skipped out of the bathroom into the common room to find Draco holding Jessa. She seemed to be in pain.
"Jess what's wrong?" I asked, worried something had happened to the baby.

"I heard Surfin' and I came running and I ran into the wall." Jessa panted.

"I'ma go out healing

Getting cleansed by the sea breeze
I can't let go of this feeling

Can yah teach me how to live life fully"

Jess and I giggled as we sang our favorite part of the song.

I skipped up the stairs, to see Harry, but being me I tripped on the last step and face planted into the floor. "Ci are you okay?" Harry asked, quickly pulling me up to my feet. "Never better!" I said planting a kiss on his lips.

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