Chapter 8

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

I met up with Ron in the common, to talk about the family lunch this weekend. "So mums inviting Draco over to the house for a lunch this weekend?" Ron asks looking at me in disbelief. "Yes she said she wanted to meet my fiancé." I said. "I heard she invited Cierra as well." Ron said. "Oh no...." I trail off laughing to myself. "Oh no what! What is she going to do?" Rons eyes widen. "She'll most likely fall down the stairs. Or something along the lines of that." I said giggling. "I thought you meant she was gonna blow up the house like Bellatrix did." Ron sighed. "Never, she's not like that!" I said defending my best friend. "Okay well I better get back to Hermione." Ron said getting up. "Bye big brother." I said with a goofy grin on my face. He just laughed and walked to his room. I jumped when I heard a loud thump followed by a deafening scream. I turn to see Cierra flipped over on the floor her neck bent in an odd way, and her legs flipped over her own body. "Oh my! Are you okay??" I asked running Over to her. She started laughing hysterically. "That hurt." She said still laughing. "I'm embarrassed that I'm related to that animal." I turned to see Draco standing there, with his arms crossed. Cierra finally heaves her self off the ground and with a look of determination in her eyes she limps over to Draco. She starts laughing again, and punches Draco square in the chest. Draco just looked at her with a smirk on his face, while Cierra rolls into the floor laughing and clutching her hand to her chest. "What's going on down here?" Harry asks walking down the steps, successfully. "Cierra fell down the stairs, and then punched Draco, which caused her to break her hand." I explained simply. Harry rushes over a worried, yet confused look on his face. Cierra just rolled on the floor laughing. "Let's get her to Madam Pomfrey." I said rolling my eyes. "YAY!!!!!!!I LOVE MADAM POMFREY!!" Cierra screamed before darting out of the common room with Harry trailing behind her, offering to help. I looked back at Draco, "Let's get packing for the burrow." He nodded and followed me to our room.

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