Chapter 3

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

Gasps were audible throughout the Great Hall, along with some shrieks and unbelievably some cheers. This is ridiculous I thought. "Why would they do this to us we can't even decide what we want for breakfast let alone decide who we want to marry in a small amount of time!!!" Cierra said tugging at her hair. "Actually, you're the only one who has trouble with that." I point out. "'re actually right. But still" Cierra said. "Choosing, won't be an issue. We will be using the sorting hat." Professor McGonagall called over the muttering.

I caught McGonagall pulling out the sorting hat once again. "When I call your name please come up."

"Harry Potter!" Harry goes and sits on the stool he sat 7 years ago.
"Cierra Malfoy!" The hat called. Potter just stood there in shock, his face paled and he started to shake. The boy looked sick. I looked over to Cierra, to see her smiling and playing with the rings on her fingers. I laughed to myself. Cierra has had a crush on Harry since 4th year. She says watching him battle a dragon was what had caused her to stop crushing on Cedric Diggory so hard. "Are you excited?" I asked her. "Are you kidding me! I've been wanting to marry him since 4th year, but with the looks of it he could be happier." Cierra sighed understanding he wouldn't love her. I gave her comforting hug and zoned out waiting to hear my name.

"Draco Malfoy" Draco gets up from where he is seated at the Slytherin table, and nervously walks over to the stool.
"Jessa Lynn Weasley!" The hat calls.

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