Chapter 18

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*Cierra's p.o.v*

Yayyyyyyy!!!! I'm kissing Harry James Potter. Wait.......I'm kissing Harry James Potter. Harry pulled away and sat on the floor. "Why you sit on the floor?" I asked very very intoxicated. "Cierra middle name Malfoy, will you marry me?"  Harry asked, blinking rapidly for no apparent reason. "No yes no yes no wait actually.....yes!" I said jumping up and down. Harry grabbed my hand, and pulled me into our room. He locked the door and started pulling my dress off. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck playing with his hair. Harry started trailing kisses down my neck. I took control and pushed him onto the bed.

   *time skip*
    *Harrys p.o.v*

   I woke up with a  pounding in my head. Must've had too much to drink last night. I fell out of the bed when I saw Cierra laying next to me, the sheets covering her body.  I blushed at the thought of what happened last night. I saw her stirring, and groaning. "What happened last night?" She mumbled. I laughed when she saw me. Her face was as red as her hair. "Hey, not funny!!" She said covering herself up. I grabbed my boxers from the nightstand and put them on. "Here." I threw her her underwear. "T-thank you." Cierra stuttered. I laughed again and left to go to the bathroom.

*Cierra's p.o.v*

How could I be so stupid?
Oh wait, I'm always stupid. I can't believe I actually slept with Harry. He doesn't even love me. "Hey, Why are you crying?" Harry came  over to me. "Just, how could we be so stupid. I mean you don't even love me-" I was cut off to Harry kissing me. I melted right away. "I pulled away blushing. "I'm sorry." Harry said and got up, but I pulled him back and kissed him. When I pulled away I saw Harry smiling. "Let's elope." Harry suggested.

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