Chapter 4

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     *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

     I walked out of the Great Hall with Cierra following me. "Hey, whats wrong?" She asked. She was worried I could tell, but she had nothing to be worried about. She was marrying the guy she had been crushing on since 4th year. I was marrying my bully since 1st year. "I just don't like this." I said tears slipping out of my eyes. "It's okay. Everything's going to be alright." Cierra comforts me. "What did Professor McGonagall say after I left?" I ask. " well.....funny story actually. You're gonna love this" Cierra laughs nervously. "What is it?" I snap. "Woah calm down." Cierra said startled. "I'm sorry." I say rubbing my arm ashamed I let myself get all worked up. "It's fine. McGonagall said that we have to be married by the end of this month and we have to have a child by the end of the year." Cierra says looking down. "That's not fair!" I shout angrily. "They give us no time. I bet I can get Draco to change this he's well respected as a rich pureblood." I suggest now pacing. "There's nothing you can do. This law was made in
390 A.D, to solve any shortages of witch and wizard kind. Theres nothing we can do." Cierra said looking down. I stop pacing and look at her. "There has to be something we can do!" I yell running into the castle.

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