Chapter 11

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

"It's beautiful!" Ginny said jumping up and down. "And expensive." I said, looking at the beautiful dress in the mirror. "Remember Draco said to let you get whatever you want. He's paying." Ginny said smiling. "I just wish I didn't have to have him pay for me." I said looking at Ginny in the eye. "He wants to do this as an apology for all those years." Ginny said putting her hand in my shoulder. "Come on lets pay for the dress and leave, and go get some butter beer." Ginny said smiling, leading me away.

*Draco's p.o.v*

I wanted to do something special for Jess. I knew I was horrible to her in the past, and I regret that now. I'm starting to actually fall in love with her. So I'm paying for the wedding.

*Time skip*

I'm at the jewelry store to get Jess an engagement ring. "Hello sir, what are you looking for?" The clerk asks me. "I'm looking for an engagement ring." He nods and gestures for me to follow him. " these are all our engagement rings." He says. I look through all the engagement rings until one catches my eye. "Is like to see that one please." The clerk nodded and got the keys to unlock the case. He hands me the ring and I examined it. This ring would match her eyes. "I'll take it." I said, handing the ring back to the clerk. He took the ring cleaned it and put it in a box. "Charge that to the Malfoy's." I said and walked out carrying the ring in my pocket.

-Jessa lynns wedding dress at top-

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