Chapter 23

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

The rest of the ride on the train was a blur, I was too busy sobbing. When I got off I found Cierra again, she was with Harry so I went and found Luna, my other best friend. "Hey Luna, how was your wedding?" I asked.
(A/N: by now everyone was married.)

"It was fun, Neville is so sweet. How was yours?" Luna asked, her last question making me tear up. Luna gave me a questioning look. "It was amazing." I said smiling at the memory. "Then why are you're eyes watering?" Luna asked in her dreamy voice. I smiled at her knowing Neville would never do this to her. "Draco cheated on me." I said wiping my eyes. Luna just hugged me. "I'm going to get to my dorm, I'll see you later." I said walking away. Luna nodded and turned to find Neville. I walked into my dorm, and ran, and jumped into bed and just fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke to a note on Draco's side of the bed.

'I'm really sorry for cheating on you. Please let me explain. Meet me in the Astronomy tower tonight.


I'll meet him there, but I don't know if I'll be able to listen to his explanation.

*time skip*

It was 11 at night, and I was sneaking out of my dorm to the astronomy tower. When I got there I saw Draco leaning on the railing with his head in his hands. He deserves to be upset! I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up, I saw the tear stains on his cheeks. "I'm really sorry Jess. Pansy had me under a love potion." Draco said, tears falling from his eyes. "If it was a love potion, shouldn't you still be under it?" I ask, my glare stone cold. "When I heard Cierra shout your name, it took the effect of the potion away from me." Draco said taking a step toward me. I took a step back, and turned around and ran back to the dorm. I didn't believe him, who would, love potions don't end like that. I went into my room and laid on the bed, and just started sobbing.  Why does everything go wrong in my life.

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