Chapter 31

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*Cierra's pov*

  "HARRRRRRYYYYY!!!" I screamed from my position perched in the sink. Harry came rushing in almost face planting. "What is it Ci!?" He frantically asked. "I look fat." I started crying while lifting up my shirt. "Oh Ci, you aren't fat." Harry said pulling me from the sink and into his arms.

  "But look." I said poking my little baby bump. "That's a baby." He said kissing my head.  "Hehe." I giggled quietly. Harry just looked at me. I could see he was questioning me.

I just started crying. "YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!!!" I screamed. "Cierra, what are you talking about?" Harry asked, he actually looked sad. "I don't know." I said looking over his shoulder. "Hey look nargles!" I said wiping my tears and walking to the door. "Ci there are no such thing as nargles." Harry said following me. "Yes there are!" I huffed  and sat down on our bed. "Okay but they definitely aren't in this room." Harry said. "Then what's that?" I asked pointing over Harry's shoulder.

Harry jolted around but relaxed when he saw that I was pointing to his Gryffindor tie hanging from the bed post. "Ci you can't do that." Harry said, pulling me in for a hug. "You scared me." His voice broke. "Harry are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine you just scared me." He said, squeezing me tighter but not tight enough to cut off my air supply. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry baby." I said tears now spilling out of my eyes. "It's ok. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you." Harry said making me blush. "I love you too Harry." I said before getting a powerful urge to throw up.

When I reached the toilet I felt someone pull my hair away from my face and rub comforting circles into my back.

"Why must this happen to me?" I asked once I finished vomiting. "It's okay." Harry said pulling me into his lap. "Well you are pregnant." Harry said burying his face into my hair. "That is where you are incorrect my dear husband." I smiled cheekily. "What do you mean?" Harry's eyes widened.

"I'm not pregnant I'm pregananent!!!" I cheered. Harry looked at me, and just bursted out laughing. I soon joined him, I laughed so hard tears were streaming down my cheeks.

   My phone went off scaring me in the process. "Ooooooh Jess wants to talk to me!" I cheer, unlocking my phone and sending Jess a quick hello. I looked up at the profile pic I chose for her. "Harry this makes me laugh!" I said showing him my phone. He looked at the pic I had for Jess, which was a pic of Gru from Despicable Me.
This made Harry die, which made me die. We sat on the bathroom floor laughing for a good 20 minutes.

"FOOD!" I screamed. I jumped up leaving Harry behind me. "Wait for me!"  Harry said running after me.

On my way the the great hall I ran into Jess. "Why are you in such a rush?" Jess asked giggling. "Baby needs food!!!" I cheered. My stomach growled which made Jess laugh. "What were you up to?" I asked. "I was just going to find Draco. He went missing have you seen him?" She asked, looking behind me. "Oh there he is! I've gotta get going see you later Ci!" She said walking past me to Draco. By this time Harry had caught up to me. "Please don't-" he didn't finish his sentence since I ran off.

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