Chapter 1

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Jessa Lynn's P.O.V

I woke up to all my family standing in my room. "It's time to get up and get ready for hogwarts!" George said. I remember how sad he was after the Fred's death. He seemed a little happier after he proposed to Angelina. "It's time to get up or you'll be late." Mum said. "Okay, can everyone get out so I can get ready." Annoyance laced my voice. Mum nodded and pushed the rest of my family out of my room before shutting the door. My seventh year. My final year of hogwarts. After rummaging through my closet, I finally found a pair of ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. This is as good as it'll get. "Mum, I'm ready!" I call down the stairs. "Okay sweetie! Did you pack?" Mum called back from the kitchen. "I packed last night Mum." I called back annoyed. Why did she even ask she already knew this. "Okay then, Jessa, I think your father is outside waiting to take you and Ron to platform 9 3/4." Mum said as I walked down the stairs. "What about Ginny? She's younger than me and is supposed to be going into 7th year." I asked confusion etched on my face. "Oh, she's out there too I think" Mum said deep in thought. I laughed quietly at her forgetting about Ginny. "Well, bye Mum." I said hugging her. I heard her start to cry on my shoulder. "Mum! Don't cry you'll make me cry!" I said still hugging her and tearing up. "I can't help it dear. Behave. I'll see you at Christmas break. I love you!" Mum said now balling her eyes out. Before it could get any worse, I walked out. "Hey Dad, Ron ,Ginny. Let's go before we're late." I said ushering then along. "Why are you in such a rush? Does it have anything to do with Harry?" My twin brother teased. Me and Harry have been somewhat dating for the past month. "No!" I reply hastily blushing. Ron just smirks at me, and slaps my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and got into the car.

*Time Skip*

When we arrived at kings cross station Ginny ran to the brick wall. I laugh at her childish behavior. When Ron, Dad, and I caught up, Ginny just ran through the wall with her cart. "Why? Just why?" I ask no one in particular. Me and Ron run through the wall. The familiar scarlet colored train brings a smile to my face. "It's been so long" I let out an excited sigh. "It really has." Ron says with a smile. "Well, let's get going!" I say while running to put my stuff on the train. "Hey! Wait for me!" I hear Ron call from behind me. But I don't stop I just keep running. Once I get on the train I decide to look for Harry. I finally stumbled on the compartment with a boy with really messy hair and glasses that just happens to be seated. "Harry!!" I called running into the compartment. "Jess! I've missed you!" A small smile on his face, I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong? Are you not happy to see me?" I asked, confused. "No, it's just....well.....Jess I'm sorry but this just isn't gonna work. I like someone else."Harry stated frowning. "Okay...." I said. I wasn't going to let him see me cry, so I walked out of the compartment and found my way to an empty one. I just sat there and cried. Until someone came in

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