Chapter 24

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*a week later*
*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

I was sitting in the common room talking to Ginny, when I suddenly felt a sudden urge in my stomach. I jumped up, and bolted to my bathroom. Ginny ran behind me, and held my hair back for me. "What's wrong?" Ginny asked. "I don't know this has been happening for three days now. I think I should go to Madam Pomfrey." I said, holding my stomach.. "I'll come with you." Ginny said offering me her hand.

When we got to the hospital wing, we saw Madam Pomfrey hovering over another student. Ginny and I walked over there to see Draco covered in blood. "What happened?" I asked, tears started to pool into my eyes. "He was cursed, by your brother." Madam Pomfrey explained. Ronald has taken it too far. "What are you here for dear." She smiled at me. "I've been feeling sick for the past three days." I explained. "Alright well, let me examine you." Madam pomfrey said smiling, she knew something.

"Well Mrs.Malfoy it seems you're pregnant!" Madam Pomfrey cheered.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I'm having a baby. I'm going to be a mother. Ginny hugged me. "I'm so happy for you!" She cheered. I smiled, but my mind wandered over to Draco, was he alright? "Will he be alright?" I asked, looking over to Draco. "He should be fine dear, you should get to class." Madam Pomfrey said getting back to Draco. "Can I please stay? He is my husband after all." I asked. She sighed and nodded.

*time skip*

I was sitting next to Draco with my head down on the bed. I felt my hand being squeezed, I looked up to see Draco's eyes flutter open. "Draco!!" I cheered, sobbing into his chest. "I thought you weren't going to come visit me after what I did." Draco said looking down. I squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I fell in love with you, I don't think a love potion can ruin that." I said crying. "Mrs.Malfoy, it's time for you to leave you've been here for five hours." Madam Pomfrey said. "Can I please go back to the dorm with her?" Draco asked, looking to Madam Pomfrey. "Yes Mr.Malfoy, you are healed now but you don't have classes tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey said pushing us out of the hospital wing.

"What were you doing in the hospital wing? I know I wasn't there that long." Draco asked, looking concerned. I took a deep breath, am I really gonna tell him? I mean I have too, right? "Well for the past three days I've been......getting sick." I started. Draco just looked at me. "I'm pregnant...." I said smiling. "That's great!!" Draco said hugging me tight. I smiled, this is where I wanna be for the rest of my life.

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