chapter 28

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*Cierra's pov*

"Harry!" I called from our bathroom. "Yes baby!" Harry called back. "Come here!" I called back, standing stiffly in the bathroom, staring in the mirror.

"What is it baby?" Harry asked groggily. "Do I look bloated to you?" I asked, panic clear in my voice.

Harry eyed my stomach. "Yeah, a little, but why is that bothering you your perfect just the way you are." Harry said wrapping his arms Around my neck, and nuzzling his head into it.

" I think I need to go see Madam Pomfrey." I said, still staring at my stomach.

Harry jumped up. "Why did you hurt yourself!!?" His eyes grew with worry, as he checked me over for any injuries.

I giggled. "No I just need to see something. Do you want to come with me?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes so I wouldn't have to come up with some extravagant way to tell him if that was the case.
"Of course, you're my wife and I want to be there for you no matter what.

I nodded and pecked Harry on the lips. "Hurry and get dressed we need to go soon." I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

*time skip*

Harry was holding my hand while Madam Pomfery was examining me.
"Well, Mrs. Potter it appears that you were correct." She told me smiling.

"Huh?" Harry said, panic filled his voice. I was smiling like an idiot.

"Harry, your wife has something she needs to share with you." Madam Pomfery said, winking at me.

"Harry." I grabbed Harry's hand and put it on my stomach. "What?!" Harry was panicking even worse than before.

I just started laughing at him when he couldn't figure it out. He may have saved the wizarding world, but he didn't do it using smarts.

"Harry!!! What grows in a girls stomach?" I asked, now barely containing my laughter.

"Uhhhhhhh....." Harry said still clueless. "Oh Merlin! Harry I'm pregnant!!" I screamed now angry that he didn't get it the first time.

I was surprised to see the boy who lived, collapse.

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