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*11 years later*

*Jessa's pov*

"Eva hurry we're gonna be late for the train!" I shouted for my oldest child. "Im coming mum, I just have to get my luggage all together!" she called back. "Draco love could you please go help Eva with her luggage while I get the twins ready to go?" I looked back at my beautiful husband who nodded and bolted up the stairs.

"Okay dears are you ready to go?" I ask Johnny and Remi, who enthusiastically giggled and tried to run for the door. "Where do you two think you're going?" I laughed and pulled them back by their backpacks with leashes (A/N yes they are leash children and they're proud to be leash children)

"All ready to go." Draco appeared behind me with Eva trailing behind almost tripping down the stairs. "okay we have to meet Cierra at Kings Cross in 10 minutes and we are running a little behind so lets go!" I rushed everyone out the door and into our car.

Once we arrived we saw Harry and Cierra with their oldest child Ronnie. Eva saw Ronnie and went running up to her. Ronnie and Eva had been friends since they were born since they were born so close together and were raised by two best friends. Once Cierra saw me she ran for me and almost tackled me in a hug.

"It feels like its been forever since we last saw each other." Cierra hugged me tight. "We saw each other the other day when we were having dinner at the Weasley's." I pried myself out of her arms.  "It feels like yesterday we were here on our first year of Hogwarts." "Oh yes the good old days when we were just children but look at us now, we both have children of our own, incredible husbands and we are still best friends." Cierra smiled looking back at our families, harry and Draco speaking like old friends, probably about the latest quidditch match, the twins babbling with each other, and Ronnie and Eva cheerfully chatting about what is to come in the upcoming school year.

  "They're just like we were on our first day, dreaming about what house they're gonna be in hoping to pass all their exams and make it through school." I looped my arm in Cierra's and walked over to the group. "Okay everyone if you would look at the time you will see that it is time for these two lovely ladies to board the train so lets go everyone." Cierra ushered everyone to platform 9 3/4.

  Everyone separated to say their goodbyes to their families. "Bye mum and dad I will make you proud!" Ronnie called from the train.


"Yes Darling, what is it?"

"What if I don't make any friends and I fail all my exams or the events that took place while you and aunt Cierra were attending Hogwarts happen?" Eva was almost frantic.

"Oh baby, they won't happen and I assure you, you are almost smarter than aunt Hermione herself, you will never fail an exam and you will make friends and even if you don't, you will have Ronnie with you. Having a small group of true friends is better than having a lot of friends who aren't truly your friends." I pulled Eva into a hug and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Go make me and your father proud Eva we love you so much." I pushed her towards the train. She hesitantly got on and found Ronnie's compartment. She stuck her head out the window and waved goodbye as the train started moving.  Draco and I waved until she was out of sight.

"8 more years and we will have a kid free house." Draco joked handing me Johnny's leash. "Oh won't that be lovely." I giggled while we walked back to the car. 

*Time skip*

I was brushing my hair before bed when Draco hugged me from behind. "The twins are asleep." He whispered into my neck sending shivers down my spine. "We should go to bed to then." I smirked pulling him into bed. "Can you believe how far we've come. I used to bully you and your best friends, and now we are married have beautiful children and are perfectly content."

"Nothing could be better than this." I sighed. Draco smiled and leaned down placing soft kisses all over.  I would never change a thing.

The End

A/N: This is the end because I have no more motivation for this story. I know this was VERY mediocre but its better than never writing an ending and just leaving it as is.

If you would like to read something with good writing unlike mine check out up_all_night0325 her stories are incredible and I will never stop tagging her in anything.

They aren't Harry Potter but they are something quite quite quite good that I would recommend everyone get into.

Anywayyyy, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful life.

I also might make a Bangchan story so if u like Stray Kids maybe I will have a story for you in the future.

I also might make a Bangchan story so if u like Stray Kids maybe I will have a story for you in the future

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Bangchan the #1 Ryan Reynolds simp

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