Chapter 17

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

"So are you having fun?" Draco asked smiling. "This is the best night ever!" I cheered leaning into his chest. We were dancing in the middle of the party. It was almost 2 A.M, and the party was still going strong. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I pulled away and looked. "What's wrong, love?" Draco asked, concerned. "I thought I just saw movement.....over there." I pointed the direction I saw the flash. I pulled Draco over to the table full of food, my wand at the ready. "Expelliarmus!" I shouted. "Cierra!!!!" I gasped as my best friend flew out from under the table. "What's up frien." Cierra said with a mouthful of food. "What are you doing, I thought I told you to go to bed!" I said crossing my arms. Cierra laid back on the floor and started fake snoring. "Get up!!" I said grabbing her arms and pulling her up. "Where's Harry!?" Cierra asked, somehow forgetting that she left Harry in their room. "I'm right here, love." I turned to see Harry stumble over to Cierra. Harry didn't make it five feet before falling flat on his face, breaking his glasses. "Oh no Harry!! What was that spell to fix glasses?" Cierra said pulling out her wand. I looked at Draco, but he just shrugged. I decided to let this play out. "Repair glasses!" Cierra squealed while flicking her want way too hard hitting Harry in the face. "My facceee!!" Harry whined. Cierra just grabbed his face and kissed him, repeatedly, all over his face. Me and Draco just shrug and leave them to their own devices. "I don't understand how we're related." Draco said chuckling. I laughed while looking over at Harry and Cierra. "Oh my....." I started. "What?" Draco asked shocked. I just pointed over to where Cierra and Harry were making out.

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