Chapter 5

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      *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

On the way back to the Great Hall I ran directly into someone. "I'm sorry...." I muttered. "It's fine are you okay? You ran out as soon as you heard your name called." I look up to see Draco looking at me concerned. "I just can't believe this law." I stated simply. "I can't believe they've done this either, but it's an ancient law, that can't be changed." Draco said sighing. "Why can't it be changed. Your parents....well....your mother has high authority. Can't she talk to the minister?" I suggest. Draco only looks at me, "It won't be that easy." He says almost in a whisper. "Are you okay?" I ask noticing how lost his eyes were. "I'm sorry it has to be this way. Maybe we can talk to Professor McGonagall tomorrow, but for now let me show you to our new dorm." Draco said. "Our??" I asked. "Yeah Professor McGonagall wanted the couples to have their own dorms. We are sharing with Luna and Neville,Harry and Cierra,and Ron and Hermione." Draco said. "This is so messed up." I say sighing and following Draco.

"You're here!" Cierra called bouncing around. "Are you okay?" I ask, just watching her bounce around. "Harry said hello to me and then said bye so I'm like REALLY happy. I don't even really know why I just am!" She cheered, jumping off the couch in the common room. "Okay you have some serious issues!" I said laughing. "I seriously do, don't I?" She questioned while scratching her head. "Well I'm going to bed! Goodnight" she called as she headed to her dorm room. I smiled and shook my head at her. She finds a new way to make me laugh every day. "We should probably get to bed." Draco suggested from behind the couch. I nodded and followed him in our dorm room. The room was beautiful, with green walls and black couches. There was a king size bed in the middle of the room. It had deep blue sheets with silver pillows. "Wow." I gasped at the incredible sight. "I know right they really went all out." Draco chuckled. "They really did. This is incredible." I say still amazed by how wonderful the room is. "Well we better get some sleep. I'll sleep on the couch." Draco offered. "No, you can sleep on the bed. It's a king sized there's plenty of room for the both of us." I said blushing.

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