Chapter 19

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

I woke up in Draco's arms. I looked at his face, he was still asleep. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard him groan. I nuzzled myself into his chest, absorbing his warmth. Draco kissed my forehead. "Today's our last day at the burrow, what do you want to do?" He asked pulling back. "Maybe we can lay around all day. That'd be great." I said smiling. "That would be a waste of the day." Draco chuckled. "But I'm lazy." I said stretching over Draco. "Woah! What are you doing?" Draco asked surprised. "Ask Ron, I used to do this all the time as a little kid." I said giggling. "Your laugh is cute." Draco said smiling. "Yay, I have a cute laugh." I said cheering like a little girl. Draco laughed, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and looked into his gray eyes that I often get lost in. He pecked me on the lips. "Okay, I'm serious, what do you want to do today?" Draco said looking more serious. "But....I thought you were Draco." I said laughing. Draco just looked at me. "We can play quidditch with all the guys in the house." I suggested sitting up. "We could go for a walk." Draco said rolling out of bed. "Ouch." Draco grumbled from the floor. I started laughing, so hard I fell on the floor. "That's what you get for laughing." Draco said, rubbing his head. I sat up, rubbing my head as well.
"BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Mum called. "Wow, I would hate to get into trouble here." Draco said laughing. I playfully smacked his arm and went to change in the bathroom. 

"Where is that shirt??!!?" I said, frustratedly. "Looking for this?" Draco said swinging a shirt around. "Wipe that smirk off you face." I said snatching the shirt from his hand, but before I could push him out Draco grabbed me and kissed me, but this time I refused to kiss back. "Your no fun." Draco said turning around and shutting the door.

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