Chapter 32

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*Ive been having really bad writers block recently and haven't had any inspiration to write anything. I get inspiration for a new story like everyday, but only keep that inspiration for one day. I'm sorry to the people who read my story and want updates.*

*Jessa Lynn's pov*
  *one week later*

  "Dracooooo."I whined. "Yes love?" He looked over at me worriedly.  "Im hungry!!" I cried. "Baby don't cry. I'll go get you some food." Draco said. "Ok." I mumbled quietly internally cheering because it worked. Draco quickly left the room to get me the food I requested.

"Jess Jess!!!" I heard a familiar voice call. "Cici!" I called back. "I'm bored!!!!" Ci squealed giggling. "Sameeeee!!!!" I shouted. "Let's go mess with Hermione!"she insisted. I wasn't gonna give up the chance to mess with someone so here we are hiding Hermione's books before her next class.

We were walking through the halls when heard someone scream, "Where are my books!!!"

"Sh!t" I said under my breath pulling Ci with me running down the hall. "Let's get out of here Before she finds us." I said, being reasonable.

"Wait I wanna know what she's gonna do." Ci said pulling me back to where she was standing.

"I know you're still around here!!" Hermione yelled. I gulped and tried pulling Ci with me to leave. "No!" She hissed. She really is an idiot. 

I gave up on her and just ran. "Sorry Ci, but I'm not gonna die." I quickly said getting out of there. Cierra just stared at me, but she eventually shrugged and turned her attention back to Hermione.

   "Hehe" she smiled sheepishly and quickly followed after me. "Maybe she won't find us if we hide in the Ravenclaw common room." She suggested loudly. "Did you forget I have ears Cierra?" Hermione asked from behind us. "You know it's rude to sneak up on people Mione." Cierra scolded acting perfectly innocent.

   I just laughed and apologized to hermione and pulled Ci by the arm away. "Oh I completely forgot I told Draco to get me food, I've got to go Ci." I said hugging her. "Farewell my love." She said waving and sighing over dramatically. I ran back to my dorm and saw Draco sitting on the bed with the food next to him. "I'm so sorry I totally forgot I wanted food." I apologized staring at the food. "How do you forget your hungry?" Draco raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "Don't judge me ferret!" I snapped biting into the uncrustable he had brought me. I just recently found out they had uncrustables here and started craving them. They were my whole entire childhood and I enjoy eating like 10 every now and then. Ok....maybe I eat like 11 every other day. It's not my fault they're incredible creations.

  "What's so special about those sandwiches?" Draco asked JUDGING ME.

"what's wrong with your face!!" I screamed. "Don't ever nudge me for eating these glorious things ever again or I will not hesitate to kill you!" I threatened. I gave him a small smile when I saw his eyes widen and heard him gulp.

"Good ferret." I patted his head.

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