Chapter 30

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    *Jessa Lynn's pov*

   I was in the library searching for baby books for obvious reasons when I heard some one shout my name. I turned around to see Cierra, bouncing up and down and singing Red Lights by Stray kids.

  "Cierra stop this is not the place nor the time to play that" I shook my head at her. She just laughed hysterically. "What are you even doing." I ask, just staring at her.

  "Lil ole me is trying to teach my daughter the right kind of music!" Cierra said, trying to do the choreography.

  I just shook my head and continued looking for my books. "So what are you doing here?" Cierra asked from behind me. "I'm looking for books about becoming a mother." I stated, grinning down at my stomach. "Oh, that sounds boring." Cierra said getting up and walking away. I shook my head once again and continued searching for books.

  *Cierra's pov*

  Why is Jess being so boring recently. I mean I love my baby too but I'm not looking for books on pregananecies.

Although now that I think about it I probably should, I know nothing about pregenancy. Haha Nancy!

I start laughing hysterically to myself. "Hey baby!" Harry called. I just ran  up and pounced in him like a lion.

  "Uhhh...... Ci I don't think that's good for the baby." Harry said steadying me.

  "I want cookies!" I shout dragging Harry to the kitchen. "Oh wait!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I turned to Harry to find him looking panicked. "Let's go see Madam Pomfery." I said pulling Harry to Madam Pomfery. "Why?" Harry was obviously confused. "Because she loves me, and I wanna know what the gender is even thought I keep saying it's a boy.....or do I say girl..... I don't know." I said continuing to drag him.

"You know they can't do that." Harry said pulling me back. "MAGIC!!!" I screamed and pranced off.

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