Chapter 10

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    *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

     "Lunch is ready!" Mum called from the kitchen. "She's really loud." Draco said with a small smile. "Yeah she is, just be grateful you'll never get yelled at, like I did." I said chuckling. I grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him downstairs. "The food smells amazing Mum." I said smiling. Mums food is always amazing.

      *time skip*

   Lunch was over and me and Draco were in my room. "I have a question." Draco said turning to me. "Go on." I said. "How did you get that scar on your forehead?" Draco asked, concern filling his features. I started laughing. "What's so funny?" Draco asked, confused. "It's just a really funny story." I giggled. "Well I was in the kitchen when I was 6, and Errol came crashing into the window. Giving me this scar." I said. "That bird really needs to learn to fly." Draco scowled. "Do you want to go ask my mum for some wedding ideas?" I ask looking up at Draco. He nodded looking at me with a mysterious look. I didn't know hat that look meant. "Well, let's go!" I said getting off my bed. "Mum!" I called. "Yes dear?" Mum poked her head around the corner. "Me and Draco wanted to know if you could help us with our wedding planning?" I ask giving her a hopeful look. "Of course dear, you'd be in trouble if you didn't ask me." Mum said smiling brightly. I laughed and followed her to the kitchen table. "So you have to be married by the end of this month?" Mum asked. "Yes. So maybe the wedding can be next week." I suggested. "That gives us little time to plan." Mum said. I nod and look at Draco. Draco looks deep in thought. I nudge him with my elbow. He jumps a little then snaps back to reality. "What?" Draco asks confused. "We are getting married next week." I said. He nodded, and went back to thinking. "I'm going to get Ginny to take you dress shopping." Mum said getting up to get Ginny. I got up and followed. Ginny was in her room reading books. Wow she's been spending way too much time with Hermione. "Ginny dear, you are going to go dress shopping with Jessa." Mum said scaring Ginny in the process. I started laughing and fell to the floor. "That's what you get for laughing!" Ginny called, obviously annoyed. "We don't want to be late." I said grabbing Ginny. "What do you mean, late?" Ginny asked with a confused look on her face. "Mum made an appointment." I said with a small smile.

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