Chapter 9

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    *Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*
Ron, Hermione, Harry, Cierra ,Draco, and I all stood at the doorstep of the burrow. But before I could knock Mum opened the door and pulled us all in. "You must be Cierra." Mum guessed. "Ummm....I think I am.." Cierra said confused. "Earlier this week she fell down the stairs into the common room I think she hit her head pretty hard." I laughed lightly. Mum looked down at the cast on Cierra's hand. She raised her eyebrow at her."And where'd that come from?"
Cierra started laughing like an idiot. "After I fell down the stairs Draco said that he couldn't believe he was related to me so I decided it would be a great time to show my strength and punch him." Cierra started. "But I think he had a strengthening charm on so I broke my hand." Cierra said calming down a little. "Okay....and you must be Draco." Mum guessed. "Yes ma'am." Draco said politely. "Are you the one who bullied my daughter all 7 years of hogwarts?" Mum asked glaring at Draco. "I'm sorry to say I am. I regret it though. I only did it because, my father has never liked your family so he told me lies about you so that I would hate you as well. I really am sorry." Draco said looking at his feet. "I can't say I can forgive you right now, but I will give you a second chance." Mum said. "Thank you Mrs.Weasley" Draco said relief flooding his features. "Oh dear please call me Molly." Mum said smiling at Draco. Draco nodded, and smiled. "Arthur!!" Mum called. "What is it dear? What do you need?" I heard my father call from inside the house. "Come show everyone to their rooms!" Mum called commanded. Dad nodded and showed everyone their rooms even though Harry already knew where he was staying, and I already knew I was staying in my room. "You're parents are really nice. How many siblings do you have?" Draco asked. " well there's Bill, Charlie, Percy,I had Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. So 7 siblings in total." I said counting on my fingers. "Wow big family."Draco looked surprised. "Yeah, but there's always someone to talk to." I said looking thoughtfully at an old photo album. "I wish I had that kind of support from my parents, but my father never loved my mother." Draco said looking at his lap and sighing. I looked at him sadly and pulled him into a hug.

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