The truth

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Y/n's POV
The truth always comes out. It doesn't matter what you're hiding or who you're hiding it from, the truth will get out eventually. I had to learn that first hand, turns out my dad has lied to me my entire life!

*Flashback from the party*

"Peace" I could feel a smile growing on my face, finally a chance for peace. "Really?" I asked, coming out from behind my father, looking hopefully at him. "Of course! I'm tired of all this fighting."

"Well Will, what would you say to becoming my second in command?" I could feel the hope in my face only growing, "YES!" Wilbur exclaimed and smiled at my father, before being greeted by a frowning Tommy. "Wilbur, you can't do that."

"Why not? Don't you want peace?" He said with a sad look on his face. "Wilbur, HE BLOWED UP L'MANBERG AND RUINED ALL OF OUR LIVES!" I look at Tommy in surprise, that's not the story I've been told.

"Tommy, that doesn't mean we can't have peace." I could feel my dad's eyes on me, trying to get me to look at him. Was Tommy lying? He didn't seem like a bad person. But my dad wasn't capable of lying to me, was he?

"Yes. I think it does, you know what Wilbur. I've had just about enough of your-" that's all he could say before I calmly walked away, tears brewing in my eyes, my dad hadn't denied it. So, I guess I know what really happened.

All of these people, Phil, Bad, Punz, Ant, Techno, George, Sap and worst of all, Dream. They'd all lied to me, not even giving it a second thought, now I see why I wasn't allowed out. "Y/n, wait!" I heard my dad call out. "Why should I?" I yelled back, I could tell there was a crowd gathering around us. "Because you're my daughter?" He questioned, before realising I'd tensed up, knowing it was the wrong answer.

"That means nothing, a real dad, wouldn't lie to his daughter." The tears were starting to come out, "you were the only one that was there for me, I thought I could trust you. Turns out I was wrong. I've gotten closer to Tubbo," I gestured to Tubbo, "in a couple of hours, than I've ever been to you." I could see the tears growing in his eyes, and could feel mine pouring down my face, "and you know what, I knew you were hiding something from me" I lied, "but I still trusted you."

He tried to reach out for my arm, but I pulled myself back, "don't" I said quietly, "don't touch me." I spat at him. Somehow, I've only just realised that I've never sung in front of my dad (time to give father dearest a taste of his own medicine!)

"People change like the tides in the ocean, At least I think or am I dead wrong?"

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

"Daddy, I love you so so much!" Dream looked at his young daughter and smiled, "I love you too kiddo."

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"Guess it was all fake, acting like I don't notice
I sit and wait until the next song"

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

I reached deep down into my soul and played the keyboard as hard as I could. Finally I played my first chord. "Daddy, daddy look! My name is Y/n-" "y/n, I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"20 hours in an old van
Up the east coast, through the cold wind"
Drove 20 hours by the ocean
Up the east coast, what a road trip

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

"Dad, put me down!!" I said as my dad lifted me up into the sky, "daddy I'm scared of heights!!"

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"Now that interstate is paved with memories
Of a past life I lived when I was 18
And evеry winter, I think back to what we used to bе
In that past life we lived at 18"

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

"Dad, meet Purpled, he's my new friend!" Purpled held his hand out to my dad, "nice to meet you sir!" My father pushed him away, "get away from my daughter."

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"Uh, I reminisce about a past life
Things change, I get it, 'cause nothing lasts right?
Yeah, and I was thinking 'bout her last night
Scrolling through our memories, debating 'bout our last times
Ay, for a minute, we was cool
Then we flew just a lil' too close to the sun
Now we finished, now we through
Guess we knew one day we would have to grow up"

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

"Daddy, I don't want to grow up, I want to be like Peter Pan!" I said before running around with my arms out, "well honey, you've got to grow up some time! You're going to be queen!"

"Well, first I have to find true love!" He looked at me questioning me, "and why might that be?" I smiled at him, "like in the books, the best queens have true love!"

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"20 hours in an old Ford
Across the Midwest, thinking, what for?
Drove 20 hours, but it's hopeless
Across the Midwest, what a road trip
Now that interstate is paved with memories
Of a past life I lived when I was 18
And every winter, I think back to what we used to be
In that past life we lived at 18"

*Flashback (in a flashback)*

I gazed into his crystal blue eyes, not knowing what to say to the young boy who had just climbed up to my room. "Who are you?" I asked him. "The names Tommy! Who are you and why are you here?"

"I'm the princess!"

*Flashback (in a flashback over)*

"Y/n, that was incredible." Does he seriously think complementing me is going to help this situation, "I need some time to myself." I say before running upstairs, leading us back to the present.

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