The Beginning Of The End

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"Y/n, she's only got one life left"

Tommy POV -
Why. Why'd she have to die. After everything we've done. After everything that's happened in this stupid world. "Tommy, i know that you're sad, but we have to go." After Wilbur told us about y/n, everything went into shambles. "now!" Tubbo shouted, he was right. he always had been. he'd told me to be wary of Wilbur, of course i hadn't listened. people say that violence leads to people's downfall, but in reality it's arrogance.
After Wilbur had told us the news of y/n's death, everything went up into flames. literally. Sapnap was out of control. George was finally awake. No one had seen Dream coming. Everyone knew that she had one life left, so why had the Dream team done this? Why had they risked all of these lives when she was still living, everyone has a choice. so why had they chosen this?

Dream POV - 30 minutes earlier -
"What are you saying Niki?" Sapnap called out through the hall, "i'm saying that she's gone, and she's not coming back."
my only child, lost to the world. i tried to raise her in a safe world. keep her hidden for the cruel reality that is life, but one way or another, everything that happens in the dark always comes to light. "no, that can't be true." george announced, the one time he's awake and this happens, "niki leave." she didn't even step back, only shaking her head. "LEAVE." i shouted, she instantly ran off, not looking back. "you two, go and get ready. if she's not coming back then we have no reason to keep tommy alive. let them burn."
Sapnap smiled before walking off, you could see the excitement in his stride as he disappeared down the corridor. "Dream, are you sure you want to do this?"
"I'm not going to let tommy win again." i moved closer to him, and put my face towards his ear, "he's going to pay."
George walked off, "this isn't going to make her come back." he uttered before walking out.
"I was the one who had it all." i began to close the drapes, maroon and reaching the floor, "I was the master of my fate". in the corner of my eye i could see the garden. "I never needed anybody in my life." she'd worked her whole life to build it, without her it didn't have the same value. "I learned the truth too late." this world isn't about power or strength, it's about love.

Tommy POV -
"I'll never shake away the pain." i'd finally found a hiding place, a rose amidst the thorns of this fire, "I close my eyes but she's still there." everywhere i look, i see her face (i just watched spider-man far from home for about the 50th time, I LOVE IT SO MUCH), i can't get her out of my head"I let her steal into my melancholy heart", why could i have just let her be with tubbo, then he would be the one facing this heartbreak, not me. "It's more than I can bear." a war was coming, and i don't think anyone was ready.

Dream POV -
"Now I know she'll never leave me." if i burn the world, if i threaten to kill tommy, she'll race right back in. "Even as she runs away" as soon as she hears the news she'll come right back to me. "She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may." the drapes are completely closed as i fall to the floor, "Wasting in my lonely tower." the tears began to fall before i could stop them, "Waiting by an open door." she was the one person who cared about me when nobody would, "I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in." i lost her mother, "And be with me for evermore" i can't lose her as well.

Tubbo POV -
"I rage against the trials of love" so many things in life had been against me. "I curse the fading of the light," at one point it had seemed like the entire world was against me. "Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach." i thought that now i could finally find happiness,
"She's never out of sight." i'll win her love one day, even if it means letting her go. 'all good things come to those who wait.'

Dream POV -
"Now I know she'll never leave me." her entire life i'd tried to keep her sheltered, "Even as she fades from view." yet, one day changed it all.
"She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do." who knew that she would think that leaving could safe the world. "Wasting in my lonely tower." she's only made this all worse. "Waiting by an open door." I walked closer to the door, leaning against the frame, "I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in,
and as the long, long nights begin I'll think of all that might have been. Waiting here for evermore."

"i'm going to get her back, even if it means destroying the entire world. we'll get her back"
SHE'S BACK?!?!? Sorry it took so long, but this time i'm back and i'm not leaving! after this book is done i've got so many planned, one's already started! It's called 'a heart for a heart', and it's very different to this book.

only a few chapters left!
sorry this one is so short!

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