Death to the fox!

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I raced down the stairs, ready to spend the day with my dad, for once, the day wasn't going to be full of arguments or fighting, just me and my father. "Y/n, you're finally here!" Wait, wait, wait, was that... Uncle Sam? "SAM?!? Where'd you come from?" I ran into his arms, nearly knocking him over. "Do you think I'd miss your birthday?"

"Where's the birthday girl?" "I wanna see her first!"  "Ha, I've already seen her!" Of course, the two arguing like an old married couple, dad and George. "You two really need to stop."

20 minutes later...

Finally, all of the people my dad had invited (for some strange reason) had arrived. "So, y/n, what do you want to do first? Presents?" I felt my face light up, "PRESENTS?!?!?!?" The entire room laughed. "Yes y/n, do you really think we'd have your birthday without presents?"

I giggle at my father, and looked around, all of these people, were here for me. My father wasn't just lying to me before, he actually cares about me! "So, ready to start?"

Tommy's POV
Shoot, shoot, shoot, I should be there by now. The meeting...

This meeting was going to be the most important thing that has happened ever. It's going to determine what we do, do we face Dream? Accept peace?

"You're finally here." I look up, it seems that although I wasn't focusing, and my heart couldn't think of a direction to take, my mind was moving all too quickly. "Will, do you really think this is the best time to discuss the next phase of the plan?" These people, Tubbo, Wilbur and Fundy, all together in one room. The original l'manberg, back together. "Why wouldn't today be the best time?" A brown haired, short boy said, he knows exactly why. "It's the princess' birthday, and we're discussing her and her father's downfall."

Wilbur's eyes shined with a sudden realisation, "it's her birthday?" He asked, "yes Wilbur, that was the whole point of the ball yesterday." The furry said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "So all of you knew that but me?" We all nodded. "Well Tommy, I think it's the perfect time."

"So Will, what exactly is the next step in the plan?" Another question from my 'best friend'. "Tubbo, we're going to make the princess fall in love with you." Everyone in the room gasped, no body was expecting that answer, "WILL, WE CAN'T DO THAT." Wilbur grinned at me, "Tommy, I've already explained that we're going through with plan Z" his smile was soon replaced with a smirk, "and I can do whatever the flip I want."

Fundy jumped out of his seat, my guess is that this was not what he signed up for. "And where do you think you're going?" Wilbur asked his son, "I'm not going to let you hurt another innocent child." He started walking, "Fundy." Fundy looked back, "if you aren't with us, then you're against us." With that, he pulled a small rifle out of his pocket and shot Fundy. Both me and Tubbo gasped, "let that be a lesson to the two of you, it's too late to go back. Oh, and Tommy, please clean that up whilst me and Tubbo have a little... chat."

Tubbo's POV

This plan didn't sound too bad, yes, Fundy's refusal to comply was, a tad bit of a setback, but, at the end of the day, only the strong survive.

Me and Wilbur walked out, leaving Tommy behind. I looked around. This place, everything in it full of memories, just a single blade of grass could tell a hundred stories of the past. I was so engrossed in thinking about the past, I didn't notice where Wilbur was leading me. The bench. Where mine and Tommy's friendship started...

and ended.

"Tubbo, I want you to look around, what do you see?" Once again, I looked around, "Tommy's old house?" Wilbur sighed, "no, history. Tubbo, all you see is somehow involved in some sort of history. Everything in the universe becomes history at some point, no matter what. Tubbo, if you do what I say, you can rise from the ashes of history and become more than just Tommy's sidekick." He had me at the first word. "What's the plan sir?"

I looked up at him, and for a second, his eyes had a spark of fire in them, and everything stops. This man, once kind and brave, now cunning and cruel. "You Tubbo, are going to help our dear princess feel safe in the world, but more importantly make her feel safe with you."

"And how am I gonna do that?" I question back at him, "you'll see." How ominous...

Y/n's POV

Was I the only one that had heard that sound? A gunshot. I had to get out and find who shot it. Someone might be in trouble. I look around, everyone is making small-talk so I take my chance. I dash out and run, I turn behind me for a second, no one there.

And that's when I fall, right into the unsuspecting arms of...


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