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Tommy's POV

There they are. Yet, there's someone with them, oh no, y/n. I'm not going to be able to get a duel if she's there, please, please let her leave. "Tubbo, this is incredible!" What has he done this time? You know what, I'm tired of Tubbo. Tubbo this, Tubbo that, he gets whatever he wants, and doesn't care who suffers. "It's not much, but I'm my defence, I only got here yesterday!"

She looked at his eyes and smiled, "it's perfect!" She says before giving him a hug. I step out of the bush that I'm hiding in, "Tommy, nice of you to join us!" Y/n looked around, before seeing me and going behind Tubbo, scared from our last encounter. "What do you want?" She asked, trying to seem as brave as possible. "I just came to talk to Wilbur, not my fault you're here."

She tried to stand her ground, "well I am!" I sigh, "look, I'm sorry about the other day, I wasn't thinking straight." Wilbur raises his eyebrow at me, "it's... it's alright." I smiled at her, for once a good person in this messed up land. "Well, I should probably get back to the castle, they're probably waiting for me! See you later Tubbo!" She walked off, back in the direction of the castle, where I could see a large banner across the turrets. Oh flip, it's her birthday.

They waited for her to walk away and turned to me and smiled. "So, what do you want?" I walked towards them slowly, "Oh so now I matter."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I glared at them, "nevermind, Wilbur, I want to duel." He raised his eyebrows at me, "do you now? Don't you remember what happened last time we duelled?"


A younger Tommy and Wilbur run across an open field, "wait for me!!" Tommy yelled, attempting to catch up. "You're so slowww." Wilbur shouted back, before stopping. "If dad hadn't told me to look after you I would have already left you to die in a ditch." Tommy frowned at him, "I don't think techno would have let you." He says matter-of-a-factly. "Why are we even out here?" Tommy asks, wondering why his older brother would want him to leave the safety of their home.

"I wanted to show you something!" Wilbur said excitedly, before gesturing in-front of him. "What is this?" In-front of them stood a tall and menacing castle, surrounded by over growing plants. "This Tommy, is the castle of this land. The king lives in there." Tommy gasped, "Who is the king?"

"Why Dream of course!" Tommy tilted his head slightly, "What kind of a name is Dream?" He reaches to the ground and picks up a small branch before attempting to put it in a circle shape. Once he realised it was a miserable failure, he placed the oddly shaped item onto his head. "Look at me, I'm Dream, and I'm the king of this land!" He said, mimicking what he expected Dream to sound like.

"I think I would be a good king!" Tommy stated, immediately changing the topic, which he did fairly often. "Tommy, you can't even look after a chicken, let alone a whole country!" Tommy's face dropped, heart slightly broken. "Hey, like you could do any better!"

"Why don't we fight, see who is stronger?" Tommy snorted.

10 minutes later....

Tommy screamed as he realised how much blood had come out of his nose, "WILBY-"

*Flashback over*

Wilbur's POV

"That was when we were younger Wilbur, we've both grown a lot since then." I gazed at my little brother, so much to live for. First love, first heartbreak, kids, marriage, and eventually death. It was the way of life wasn't it, we were all going to die eventually. I've just killed my son, maybe I could add another lost life to my soul. I'd seen the way he looked at y/n, he barely knew her, but I know for a fact that he never apologised to anyone.

Yet, I couldn't let him get in the way, if this was the way to get his priorities straight, then this was the way. "What do you get if you win?" I asked, "you don't go through with plan z. You?" He questioned back, I had this all planned out. "You have to go along with the plan, and leave y/n be. That means no interfering with the plan." He nodded, guess it was time...

"Do you both remember the rules." I nodded, but Tommy looked at me darkly, "let's have a refresher."

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

It's the ten duel commandments
It's the ten duel commandments

Number one!The challenge, demand satisfaction, No need to apologise, we want further action

Number two! If they don't, grab a friend, that's your second. Your Lieutenant, when there's reckoning to be reckoned

I reached over and grabbed Tubbo, whilst Tommy grabbed a small twig. "Matilda, her name shall be Matilda."

"Number three! Have your seconds meet face to face. Negotiate a peace, guess we've got our time and place. This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits. Most disputes die" I'm getting tired of this, "oh let's just shoot!"

Number four! If they don't reach a peace, that's alright Time to get some pistols and we don't need no doctor on site!

Duel before the sun is in the sky, pick a place to die where it's high and dry

Number six! Leave a note for your next of kin. Tell 'em where you been, pray that Hell or Heaven lets you in

Seven! Confess your sins. Ready for the moment of adrenaline, when you finally face your opponent

Number eight! Your last chance to negotiate. Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight"

"LET'S JUST SKIP THAT!" I hear Tommy yell.

Number nine! Look him in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require, then count
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-"

"Alright gentlemen, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to break this up."

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