The Ceremony

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"Everyone, welcome to the choosing."
Alright, so for some reason you all have voted to marry Tommy. I mean, I will admit that's pretty snazzy, but like. Really?
Y/n POV -

Everything comes down to this moment, I'm about to meet the people who could be my future husband. The person I'm going to have to deal with until I die. The one who is going to have to make me happy. Father has already narrowed down all of the boys who volunteered to just three people. I looked at who my options were,

1) Ranboo, the enderman of the server. I'd only spoken to him once before and that was when he had 'warned' me about Tubbo. Yeah, he probably wasn't the best option seeing as I just didn't know him.

2) Purpled, he's a junior knight in Dream's royal guard. We were friends once, in the distant past, but my father broke that and ruined it for us. I'll admit, when we were younger, I may have had a slight crush on him. That was a while ago, a lot has changed since then.

3) Tommy, a former soldier for L'manberg, a friend of mine. Well, friend might be a bit of a strong word.

I thought for a second about how many people there were, maybe Tubbo was here? No, we can't dwell on the past, I've got to move forward. "Thank you all for coming, but it's time that we introduce you to the reason we are all here today. Welcome, Princess Y/n!"
George announced suddenly as I curtsied. I saw Tommy gasp as he realised what I was wearing. I raised my eyebrow at him as Purpled nudged him lightly, eventually he picked his jaw up from the floor and resumed his smart position. "As a husband there are many things you must be good at. In these stages you shall be tested on dance, chivalry/ bravery and then you shall finally be able to meet our dear princess."

Why on Earth do they need to be tested on dance?

"Purpled, you will be going first for all three challenges, then Ranboo and then Tommy. The first challenge shall be ballroom dancing with the princess."
Purpled approached me, the silence between us could've been cut with a knife, I gave him a small smile. He might just be nervous! Yet, he just rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, proceeding to roughly put his hand on my waist.

Dancing with him was almost violent, it felt like I had to dance with him. I didn't have a choice. If I even move, anything could go wrong. I attempted to move slightly, but he just gripped me back in place, I guess being a knight makes you more violent than most.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the song finally ended. Purpled hastily walked away, "Ranboo, you're next!"
The tall male walked towards me slowly, he grabbed both of my hands softly. During the dance, he stepped on my feet multiple times, muttering apologies each time.

Dancing with him was relaxing, I He may be stepping on my feet every ten seconds, but I felt like I could actually move, we could dance wherever and there would be no issue.

The song soon ended and Ranboo gave me a small smile, which I returned, and he walked off, leaving Tommy. "Tommy, it's your turn."
George said, you could almost hear the hatred in his voice. Tommy walked over to me, I was already holding my hands out, but he just pulled them around his neck and put his hands around my waist.

Dancing with him was perfect, it was like nothing I'd ever imagined. The way his face lit up when we danced, the small blush that was gradually growing on his face, making him look away.

The song ended too soon and he walked away, leaving me alone. "The next test shall be a test of chivalry. As a husband you shall need to protect your wife, but as king you shall need to protect your country. We are going to put you into a situation that you shall need to work out."
Suddenly I was pulled back by someone, my hands were held behind my back and a knife was at my throat. "Bandits are robbing the castle and are threatening to kill the entire country, to save them you must kill the princess. Purpled, you're first. Tommy and Ranboo, wait next door."

Purpled had two options, he could kill me for the country or kill the country for me. "Kill her."
He announced suddenly, "you can't let the entire country die just for her. The ends do not justify the means."
He said carelessly, wow, thanks luv.

Ranboo came next, "can I have a second to think?"
George nodded, "ummm, kill the princess, the people are innocent bystanders and she may be as well, but you can't let thousands of people die just to let one live. Sorry Y/n."
Honestly, fair enough!

Tommy's up next, "I think there are three options."
I gave him a confused look, "kill me instead."
I gasped, "no body but me should have to pay the price for my actions. Kill me and no body else."
I smiled as whoever had grabbed me let me go, I ran and hugged him.

"Whatever the final step is, I don't want it, I choose Tommy."

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