A chase

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Hi everyone, so, I'm so sorry it's taking so long to get these chapters out, but I'm really hoping that from now on, that's gonna change!


"I can't hear you, I don't hear you now!"

Y/n's POV ~

Why can't anyone in this world understand a no is a no. I can't talk to him, I don't want him in more trouble, he's a nice person, and in different conditions, I'd love to get to know him better, but I can't.

"Please can we just talk?" I turned around, he was a lot closer than I thought. What exactly can I do in this situation? I could run, but he would just catch up again, plus, the only way I could go is backwards, as we seem to have ended to at a cliff, and that would just be back into Tommy. "Fine."

He let out a small smile, "what exactly do you want?" "Just want you to repay that favour you owe me!" I shrugged and could feel myself getting more and more confused, "favour?" I question, he nods, "I don't believe I owe you a favour."

"Oh, so saving your life isn't worthy of a favour?" I tilted my head at him, "saved my life?" What on earth is this guy going on about, he certainly has not saved my life. I started backing up slowly. "Well, catching you before you fall off a cliff is definitely saving your life!" He signalled for me to turn around, and as I did I felt my foot slip slightly. Frick. I lost my balance and fell forward, what do I do? All of a sudden hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me back onto land.

"So, where's that favour you owe me now?" I huffed and turned around, pushing him away, "I wouldn't have been in danger if it weren't for you in the first place!" I shouted at him, "you self-obsessed, selfish~" that's when it hit me, I didn't owe him a favour, and technically he's breaking the law by talking to me, so I think it's about time I use my running shoes and skid-addle out of this situation. 

Yes! That's what I'll do, I'm faster than him, but he knows his way around this place, so I guess this is an equal race. All I need to do is get back to the castle, shouldn't be too hard, right?

Before I know it I'm off and running, I can see the castle from here, it's quite hard not too. "Oh for goodness sake." Tommy exclaims before running after me, good, I had a head start.

A lot of people would get tired from this, but I have trained for something like this my whole life. Well, not this exactly, but I've spent hours practicing running against my father, I've won about 2 or 3 times, but hey, that's still twice!!


"Dad, what are we doing today for training?" It was 4 O'clock in the morning, and my dad had asked me to meet him in the training arena. Maybe we were actually going to be fighting for once!! "Dad? I don't recall me being your dad." I looked up to see who would be leading me in this training session.

The first thing I could see was long pink hair, topped with a crown. "Uncle Techno?" He smiled at me. "Hey kiddo!" This was the man who would help me finally beat my father in combat and speed. This man, was my family.

*End of flashback*

I looked behind me, expecting to see Tommy in the distance, but, there was no one? Where had Tommy gone? Surely I wasn't that far away from him, it wouldn't make any sense! As if by magic I saw a blonde figure fall down right next to me, now standing right in-front of me. Right next to my face, each breath lingering on my skin, "hi" he said.

"And what exactly, is going on here?"

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