An impossible choice

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"Congratulations? I don't think you two understand my plan, it's not over just yet."

Y/n's POV -

My father had always taught me that the role of the villain is always determined by the writer of the story. So, standing here, in the middle of the woods, whilst Tubbo explains why he did what he did, all I could think about was why Wilbur would want to hurt me. A kid he'd never met before. "...and so, I did it because I wanted to get L'manberg back, but I had no idea how bad this could get. I'm so sorry."
I raised my eyebrow at him, sorry didn't even begin to cut it.

"Tubbo, I get it ok. You're sorry, but sometimes sorry doesn't help."
A gasp came from a tree in the opposite side in the clearing. Wilbur. "Poor, poor, Tubbo."
I turned to face him, "really Wilbur, explain why Tubbo is so 'poor'. Need I remind you that we wouldn't even be in this mess if it weren't for you."
He raised a hand dramatically and fell to the ground. "This, my fault? Yes, I think so." He said putting his hand to his chin.

I could feel something in the pit of my stomach, calling me. Begging me to slap Wilbur and get him locked up. Yet, just as with most things in life, something interrupted me before I could act on this feeling. "Ah, look who it is. How does it feel to have one life left?"
I wondered who or what Wilbur was talking to and followed his gaze. Tommy. He was here. His gaze met mine and I felt my heart stop, I couldn't let him die again. "Y/n, I need to tell you something."

His first words after dying, and he chose those ones. "What is it?"
Before he could answer a sobbing Tubbo ran over to him and wrapped his arms around Tommy. "Awwww, two besties united! Well, y/n, why don't I let you in on a little secret?"
I tilted my head at Wilbur, not knowing what he was talking about. I mean, that is the point of a secret! "I think soon you're going to have a choice to make."
I wanted to ask him more, to know what he was talking about, but before I could I was pulled into a hug from behind. "Hey."
I could hear a voice whisper in my ear causing me to jump, falling on the floor. "Excuse you mr. I know you just died, but you need to learn some manners."

I went to stand up, confused at what Wilbur meant and just wanting to go home and read. "Need some help?"
I heard two voices call out and I was greeted with two hands, I grabbed both of them, thinking they were coming from the same person. Instead, when she was finally back on her feet she saw a brown haired kid, wearing a green shirt and jeans. He was standing next to a blond haired, blue eyed boy his red shirt with white stripes was iconic to those around him. Both of them had their hands out still, "y/n, I know you're not going to forgive me, but can we please still be friends?"
Tubbo called out, at exactly the same time as Tommy saying, "y/n, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now. I really like you."

I thought for a second, what do I want to do? Do I stay with Tubbo or do I go with
Tommy? Tubbo lied to me. Tommy barely talks to me. "Oh my goodness! What will our little princess do? Such a big decision for such a young kid!"
As much as I hate to say it, Wilbur was right. So, now that begs the question, what on Earth do I do? "Y/n, he's right. You need to choose me or Tommy."
Tubbo announced.

You know what, I am sick of these people right now, they act like they love you, they act like they care about you, then they just throw you in the bin when they're done with you. "Can you all please shut up! This is my life, let me decide what happens."
I shouted, "and that means that I am done with all of you. I'm leaving. You can sort this mess out on your own."
With that, I stormed off into the forest, hoping to find my way back to the castle soon.

Tommy's POV - A few minutes after y/n left -

Why did we have to push her? "Lookie lookie what you two did! Ya could've just gone along with plan Z and everything would have been fine, but no. You just can't accept the fact that we could've gotten L'manberg back, nobody would've gotten hurt."
What was Wilbur talking about? "But now, you've destined the entire Dream SMP to a life of pain."

And that was the last thing Wilbur said before disappearing into the night...
Recap - Y/n is made to choose between forgiving Tubbo or going with Tommy. She decides to do neither and leaves, walking back to the forest, not knowing that she has just left Tommy and Tubbo to deal with Wilbur. Wilbur escapes, knowing that the rest of his plan has been set in motion and that he is bringing Dream down from the inside

Relationships -

Wilbur - 5% - hasn't changed since last time

Tubbo - 10% - you aren't sure how to feel, he was using you but now wants you to forgive him? Luv, that's not how this world works!

Tommy - 30% - it's clear he likes you, but you don't know how to feel, he just flipping died!

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